one method is the way building at kingdom halls are funded.
another is the vast amount of money older witnesses leave to the society in their wills
most people here report that the society's main focus in accumulating money.
like deepthroat, i say follow the money.
i just don't understand how they make substantial money.
one method is the way building at kingdom halls are funded.
another is the vast amount of money older witnesses leave to the society in their wills
so a few months ago, a friend sent me an actual copy of finished mystery which was published in 1917 (not a pdf download... the actual book).
i must say, this was the most disturbing book i have ever had the displeasure of reading.
but i only read it because this was the main publication that was being distributed worldwide when jesus supposedly chose the watchtower in 1918 and i basically wanted to see for myself what jesus saw in the wt that would compel him to choose this religious corporation over all other religious denominations.. anyway, if anyone is interested in knowing the actual contents of this book, here are some bullet points i put together from some of the notes i took as i read the book:.
Oh my I remember my father having a copy of this book. He was so proud of the fact that Fred Franz (not the auther of the book by the way) had signed it for him. Even though Franz had not written the book doesn't his autograph signify he approved of it?
hello community,.
my name is brett w., and i am senior undergraduate student at the university of florida.
HMMM I smell bs here . Sorry honors your response troubles me a great deal.
i am giving an update to my health.
i would like to thank everyone for the support you have given me.
i have been undergoing treatment for the cancer and so far so good.
I am giving an update to my health. I would like to thank everyone for the support you have given me. I have been undergoing treatment for the cancer and so far so good. I made it through the surgery ok. I am undergoing chemo and radiation at present. The treatment makes me feel sicker than the disease but i know i need to perservere. Sorry for taking so long to update my status. i just feel too sick to post often. Thanks again for your well wishes. I love you all. Be kind to one another for who knows what tommorow may bring.
only earth wind and sky last forever they say.
the grim reaper has a debt he wishes me to pay.
i fear not death, for he is not a proud entity.
It is not bravery myelaine, I am actually terrified . It is just what must be done .
only earth wind and sky last forever they say.
the grim reaper has a debt he wishes me to pay.
i fear not death, for he is not a proud entity.
Thank you all for your well wishes and sage advice. It has helped me immensely in facing the next two days, and what I must do. Tonight we are having the whole family over for Christmas Eve (with the exception of my JW son.) I must put on a brave face for the sake of my family. I must steel my will and act happy and normal, in the face of the terrible secret I am keeping. I could not do so without your love and support. Thank, thank you, thank you all!!!
my frequent walks these last few years about the neighborhood so familiar to me would ordinarily be construed a pleasant enough non-event.
a little mild exercise - taken in small doses to keep the joints operating properly - and a keen eye peeled for the ever-changing face of nature have rendered the daily promenade a suitable diversion.
until recently.
Ah I have found solace in the darkness of the prose here.
Words fail me right now, I was an honor to have known him.
only earth wind and sky last forever they say.
the grim reaper has a debt he wishes me to pay.
i fear not death, for he is not a proud entity.
My biopsy just came back I am happy to relate that the type of cancer I have is a neuroendocrine tumor and not an adenocarcinoma. If I have to have cancer of the pancreas then this is the best news possible. An adenocarcinoma patient's survival rate is less than 5% over 5 years. This contrasts sharply with the survival rate of a neuroendocrine patients survival rate which is closer to 50 % over 5 years. It was explained to me that this was because the neuroendocrine type of cancer is a much slower and more localized type of cancer. This makes it much easier to surgically remov,e due to it being less likely to invade sourounding tissue. I continue to fight. I am a very lucky man less than 2% of pancreatic cancers are this type of cancer. i know that I may be grasping at any bit of hope I can. Please indulge me it is all I have .
only earth wind and sky last forever they say.
the grim reaper has a debt he wishes me to pay.
i fear not death, for he is not a proud entity.
Grim reaper we shall battle to the bitter end
My resolve will not break though it might bend
Remember me oh ferryman of the river Styx
I have faced you before and your bag of tricks
You shall find me more than a worthy foe
My defiant nature I guarantee I’ll show
On eagles wings my spirit shall continue to soar
Though my journey takes me to a distant shore