ÁrbolesdeArabia You called into question the validity of the statements made by the Video's author. Is this not calling him a "troll" ? You also posed the questions "How many members on JWN were told to quit high school? JW mothers were often home schoolers at the least, quiting school to join the theocratic army, I don't know anyone who preached this crap from the platform! " As you can see many posters here had similar experiances to the video's author. I understand your being upset rgarding being labeled a troll, however is that not what you where doing to the video's author? You pose the following question in your last post; : "Should all the lurkers, newbies and outspoken long time exJWs who seen false conclusions being drawn from suppressed or slanted facts, just keep their mouth shut so we Watchtower Haters have free reign over Simon's site? "Perhaps we should all be cognizent that are own experiances with the witnesses may or may not be exactly the same as others before we call them out.
BTW I am particularly sensitive to the subject of the discouragement of education due to the fact it was my reality. It indeed led to further straining of an all ready strained relationship with my mother. In some ways I am thankful because it lead me to eventually open my eyes to further examination of the Witnesses and their beliefs. Yes I got my education, I however paid a terrible price due to the witnesses.