AC connie It was my understanding that parties and get togethers where strongly discouraged by the witnesses. Your husband is an elder ? I think not, stop blowing smoke . Actually keep it up you are now amusing me . You are so far off that every time you comment you look more and more like a certain recently banned poster who keeps begging to come back.
JoinedPosts by recovering
Publishers Need A Background Check Before Moving To My Kingdom Hall.
by AuntConnie in.
background check first.. .
Publishers Need A Background Check Before Moving To My Kingdom Hall.
by AuntConnie in.
background check first.. .
I can see the possibility of hypocritical witnessses judging others, I can not see any witness conducting themselves in the manner oc has if they where not derainged. If they did why would they brag about their misdeeds on an apostate website.
Publishers Need A Background Check Before Moving To My Kingdom Hall.
by AuntConnie in.
background check first.. .
We all have known pure bs artists joy
Publishers Need A Background Check Before Moving To My Kingdom Hall.
by AuntConnie in.
background check first.. .
You are laughable connie. No JW would ever make the outragous claims that you have.
"Application to join Aunt connie's Kingdom hall" bahaha
We all know that women would never be allowed to take on a "teaching" role in the JW congregation. You would have been called to a jc for even suggesting such an application process.
Good Reasons To Hate Every Weak And Ex-Jehovah Witness.
by AuntConnie in1. my husband's time is finite, it's wasted on spouses arguing over money, sex or family mattters with stupid home visits.. .
i hate people's constant open hand for money, it's the weak individuals asking others to pull their weight.
my family worked extra hours instead of begging the strong members for district assembly money, cat food for seven cats or tiny little rag-a-muffins weiner dogs.. .
Either your making this up or you are the most horrid person i have had the displeasure of comming in contact with. I honestly do not believe one bit of your story. Connie if even one thing you have claimed is real , then you are a sociopath. get help now.
Several Sites Are Down
by Juan Viejo2 inin case you have noticed, several websites that are managed and administered by me are down.
at this moment i do not know specifically why, but my hosting company ( tells me only that it is due to a "copyright infringement.
" i do not even know which of the 30 some sites might actually have the claimed infringement and so far all i've been told is that there is a claim and that i have to email a certain group and they will get back to me.. i have no idea when these sites will come back on line.
this does not suprise me at all. They sure are viligant about covering their ass
Several Sites Are Down
by Juan Viejo2 inin case you have noticed, several websites that are managed and administered by me are down.
at this moment i do not know specifically why, but my hosting company ( tells me only that it is due to a "copyright infringement.
" i do not even know which of the 30 some sites might actually have the claimed infringement and so far all i've been told is that there is a claim and that i have to email a certain group and they will get back to me.. i have no idea when these sites will come back on line.
glad you guys made it back from the abyss
Several Sites Are Down
by Juan Viejo2 inin case you have noticed, several websites that are managed and administered by me are down.
at this moment i do not know specifically why, but my hosting company ( tells me only that it is due to a "copyright infringement.
" i do not even know which of the 30 some sites might actually have the claimed infringement and so far all i've been told is that there is a claim and that i have to email a certain group and they will get back to me.. i have no idea when these sites will come back on line.
exactly please don't post the whole book lol
Several Sites Are Down
by Juan Viejo2 inin case you have noticed, several websites that are managed and administered by me are down.
at this moment i do not know specifically why, but my hosting company ( tells me only that it is due to a "copyright infringement.
" i do not even know which of the 30 some sites might actually have the claimed infringement and so far all i've been told is that there is a claim and that i have to email a certain group and they will get back to me.. i have no idea when these sites will come back on line.
I have been concerned myself when I see entire articles cut and pasted on this site. Fair use allows for the quoting of small passages ( as long as credit be given to original author) I cringe at page long cut and paste posts I see here . We all have to be careful as to what we post. we do not want to give any amunition to the wbts Society. They tend to be extremly litigous.
Watching this cute 2 year old, just might make your day. Baby Football.
by FlyingHighNow ini captured this little guy on christmas eve.
this is andy's nephew elijah.. i just put the video up on youtube because everyone who has seen it loves it and can't stop watching it.
so we decided we'd share some joy with the world.
That made my day