"Some claim that the Watchtower publications teach that the UN is 'the unclean thing' and that the scripture which says, "quit touching the unclean thing" at 2 Corinthians 6:17 has been applied to the UN by the publications. This is completely false. No publication has ever taught that the UN is "the unclean thing" as discussed at 2 Corinthians 6:17. -See the Miscellaneous Questions page"
How do you reconcile this known and very public declaration justlookingfornow ? You may want to also read the magazine quoted below.
In 1963 Jehovah's Witnesses adopted a Resolution establishing the official view of the United Nations. The Resolution was published in the November 15, 1963 issue of Watchtower. At 24 assemblies held throughout the year, a total of 454,977 convention attendees adopted the Resolution.
Regarding the United Nations, paragraph 5 of that resolution states, "the nations further refused the surrender of their sovereignty to God's Messianic kingdom by setting up ... the United Nations, ....This international organization stands for world sovereignty by political men. For years men without faith in God's kingdom have endeavored to get all people to worship this international image of human political sovereignty as the best hope for earthly peace and security, in fact, the last hope for humanity. To date 111 nations have given worship to this political image by becoming members of it. However, we, as witnesses of the Sovereign God Jehovah, will continue refusing to engage in such idolatrous worship..."
Here is another quote from a WTBS publication for you. I challange you to read it for yourself. For many years, the Watchtower Society has taught that the United Nations is "the present form of the 'image of the wild beast'" of Revelation. The Society's 1963 publication: "Babylon the Great Has Fallen!" God's Kingdom Rules! states on pages 593-594:
"The Seventh World Power is the main promoter and supporter of the United Nations, the present form of the 'image of the wild beast.' ...Destruction is what God's angel predicted for this scarlet-colored wild beast by saying: 'The wild beast that was but is not, it is also itself an eighth king, but springs form the seven, and it goes off into destruction.' (Revelation 17:11) The United Nations of today contains as members the Seventh World Power and the national remnants of all the previous world powers. So it owes its existence to those seven world powers; it springs from them. As this modern scarlet-colored beast is an image of the leopard-spotted wild beast from the sea, which is a summation of all seven world powers, the beastly 'image' is also in itself a world power or 'king,' hence 'an eighth king.' It has put its own military police force into the field of action. Now that it has ascended out of the abyss and been out since 1945, the Bible shows that what next it will do is to go off into destruction."