What many do not realize is the publishing company may well have wanted new material to be included in the book. Why you ask ? It has to do with copyright issues. Copyrights expire after a certain amount of time. However if there is new additional content in an addition it can extend the copyright.
JoinedPosts by recovering
Funny News From My Old Congragation - Elder Fight!
by pale.emperor ini haven't stopped laughing since i heard this.
a pimo in my last congregation told me that an elder has been removed from his elder position.
apparently he grabbed another elder by the throat, put him up against a wall in the back room and punched him in on the nose... during an elders meeting on thursday evening after the meeting.. the congregation were running round like headless chickens wondering what to do?
No no we all enjoy your stories
He is on you tube and redditt i am sure that will suffice. Especially since those where the venues where he spilled much of his venom
I think ceders owes a huge apology to Ms Dykstra. He maligned her character. I can’t believe how she was characterized on the above reddit.
Ugh out of stock already . I also do not see an ebook addition
Who deserves the title of king of apostasy ?
by Chook ini think this would be a noble endeavour..
Apostates do not need a king. It is enough that we now can think for ourselves. I am no longer afraid to question any man. I can pick and choose what is my own truth now.
Is Trump Doing Better Than You Thought As President!
by minimus ini know that some here detested him while others may have simply accepted the reality of who is president.. do you think he is better than you might have thought as a president?.
What does Obama have to do with trump? The question was how do we evaluate trump. He has been a miserable failure as far as I am concerned. Obama's policies where not great , I personally did not like them. Trump however, has not only distasteful policies, he is making a mockery of the office of President. I would have preferred a conservative who is honorable ie.John McCain or Kasich.
Is Trump Doing Better Than You Thought As President!
by minimus ini know that some here detested him while others may have simply accepted the reality of who is president.. do you think he is better than you might have thought as a president?.
No he is less presidential than any president in the history of the country. He is blowhard. He has made many diplomatic faux pas. As well as a lack luster legislative agends.
I gave up The 5th Dimension for Jehovah
by compound complex ingreetings, old timers (in particular):.
of course, we don't share all views in common.
unless i'm mistaken, however, we older, former jws were decisive about what our "bible-trained consciences" would allow -- or not.
Lol I remember as a young child being asked to give up many of the toys my mom new aunt gave me. I am upset to this day lol. It was not even my parents who made me give them up. It was a nosy elderette and her daughter who made the fuss. (The daughter was babysitting while my mom was visiting my dad in the hospital) boy I miss my original go Joe action figure and my evil kneival motorcycle lol.
Matthew 24:34 NEW UNDERSTANDING (January 2018 JW Broadcasting)
by Alfred indavid splane explains newest understanding" of 'this generation" adding a 3rd group.... .
What the heck fisherman. What do you mean that the wtbs has defined generation as multiple generations and that is a valid definition. Defined a rock as a human that would be an acceptable definition because they said it? Language does not work that way.