Yes Data dog that is nailing it on the head. Intelligence is not as easy to quantify as some people think.
JoinedPosts by recovering
Does anyone know of this guy, or agree with his statements on racial differences in IQ?
by Sugar Shane inhere are some quotes by the guy, from his youtube channel.
his name is stefan molyneux, and he’s apparently popular among the alt-right crowd.
he’s also widely quoted on these discussion boards, by certain ex-jws, who use him to help promote their political views.
Race are we biased here is a fun quiz to self evaluate ourselves
by recovering in
try it it is fun.
On phone requires keyboard to do test
Does anyone know of this guy, or agree with his statements on racial differences in IQ?
by Sugar Shane inhere are some quotes by the guy, from his youtube channel.
his name is stefan molyneux, and he’s apparently popular among the alt-right crowd.
he’s also widely quoted on these discussion boards, by certain ex-jws, who use him to help promote their political views.
Loveuni that just is not true. There are those who due to where they live or culture isolation in their communities probably have never heard of a Caesars salad.
Does anyone know of this guy, or agree with his statements on racial differences in IQ?
by Sugar Shane inhere are some quotes by the guy, from his youtube channel.
his name is stefan molyneux, and he’s apparently popular among the alt-right crowd.
he’s also widely quoted on these discussion boards, by certain ex-jws, who use him to help promote their political views.
Here is another example ( yes it is from an actual IQ test) .The following question might be difficult for someone from a different culture to grasp. For example someone from China probably uses a chopsticks to eat, or an Ethiopian uses his hands due to his cultural etiquette.
- Find the answer that best completes the analogy:
Book is to Reading as Fork is to:
a. drawing
b. writing
c. stirring
d. eating
Does anyone know of this guy, or agree with his statements on racial differences in IQ?
by Sugar Shane inhere are some quotes by the guy, from his youtube channel.
his name is stefan molyneux, and he’s apparently popular among the alt-right crowd.
he’s also widely quoted on these discussion boards, by certain ex-jws, who use him to help promote their political views.
The example i used was one that was actually on an IQ test. Loveuni that is the point. The question should be framed so that (what ever culture you belong to ) there is no ambiguity ,as to what it is asking.
Here is another one.
- Find the answer that best completes the analogy:
Book is to Reading as Fork is to:
a. drawing
b. writing
c. stirring
d. eating
Easy question for those of us in western cultures. However can you see how it might confuse someone from China ( they use chop sticks or from Ethiopians who's etiquette requires using the hands to eat.) -
Does anyone know of this guy, or agree with his statements on racial differences in IQ?
by Sugar Shane inhere are some quotes by the guy, from his youtube channel.
his name is stefan molyneux, and he’s apparently popular among the alt-right crowd.
he’s also widely quoted on these discussion boards, by certain ex-jws, who use him to help promote their political views.
Here is an example of a culturally biased question.
1. Napoleon is to beer as _____ is to salad dressing.
a. Washington
b. Arthur
c. Cesar
If their culture does not have Cesar Salad Dressing than most likely they are not going to understand this question and probably get it wrong. -
Does anyone know of this guy, or agree with his statements on racial differences in IQ?
by Sugar Shane inhere are some quotes by the guy, from his youtube channel.
his name is stefan molyneux, and he’s apparently popular among the alt-right crowd.
he’s also widely quoted on these discussion boards, by certain ex-jws, who use him to help promote their political views.
Whoa I can't agree with Sugars statement regarding doing less research on intelligence. I think we should be doing more research on intelligence. I thought I made that clear. Just because I feel that standard IQ tests do not present a complete picture of intelligence does not mean we should curtail research in the field. If anything it points to the need for more research.
Does anyone know of this guy, or agree with his statements on racial differences in IQ?
by Sugar Shane inhere are some quotes by the guy, from his youtube channel.
his name is stefan molyneux, and he’s apparently popular among the alt-right crowd.
he’s also widely quoted on these discussion boards, by certain ex-jws, who use him to help promote their political views.
I think that The differences in IS among different races is not necessarily racist. I do think that there are many flaws in how a standard IQ test measures intelligence. It is just not a comprehensive picture of cognition. Furthermore the use of IQ as a means test as to which races should be allowed to immigrate is a form of eugenics.
Btw I am not saying that the concept of measuring IQ is a joke. What I am saying is that the standard IQ test probably falls short of measuring all factors involved in human intelligence. This is due to the variety of reasons I have discussed previously.
Does anyone know of this guy, or agree with his statements on racial differences in IQ?
by Sugar Shane inhere are some quotes by the guy, from his youtube channel.
his name is stefan molyneux, and he’s apparently popular among the alt-right crowd.
he’s also widely quoted on these discussion boards, by certain ex-jws, who use him to help promote their political views.
Which person did I attack and attempt to discredit?I
The most recent article I posted has nothing to do with educational differences. The article has to do with how intelligence needs to be measured due to recent scientific advances in cognition.
As I stated before the are are differences in the scores. I am pointing out that the IQ test may not be a comprehensive test of intelligence due to a variety of factors.
Race are we biased here is a fun quiz to self evaluate ourselves
by recovering in
try it it is fun.
There is hope for you get Simon
As I said test was all in good fun