What if I told you that segregation was being practiced in school . What if I told you it was occurring in one of the most elite and expensive private schools . What if you found out that this policy of segregation was occurring in one of the most liberal cities in America? Well folks today's New York Post reveals just such a travesty.
"Parents are irate over a plan to segregate students by race at the celebrity-friendly Little Red School House in the West Village.
In the last month, parents at the $45,485-per-year private school — which counts David Schwimmer, Christy Turlington Burns and Sofia Coppola’s offspring among its pupils — became aware that Director Philip Kassen would place minority middle-school students in the same homerooms come fall.
They also learned that the race-based placement policy had already been in effect for the 2017-18 school year for 7th and 8th graders, and would likely be expanded to the 6th grade in September."