Here is the dejour article
JoinedPosts by recovering
Coco Rocha: lonely celeb Jehovah's Witness
by recovering inhere comments made me laugh.
" if you are not interested just say so".
Coco Rocha: lonely celeb Jehovah's Witness
by recovering inhere comments made me laugh.
" if you are not interested just say so".
Here comments made me laugh. " if you are not interested just say so"
Anybody else kinda intrigued about Oprah interviewing Lance Armstrong?
by Theocratic Sedition ini'm a bit excited about this to be honest with you.
i'm not even remotely a cycling fan, but all this controversy made it a bit difficult to simply ignore.
i'm curious to see how he does when those questions come at him full force.
His lawyers are having a fit right now due to his admission. He destroyed other's careers by claiming they where lying with regards to his use of ped. They are sure to file lawsuits against him. I think that I am more upset with his actions torwards the whistleblowers than I am with his use of peds
Publishers Need A Background Check Before Moving To My Kingdom Hall.
by AuntConnie in.
background check first.. .
Ha Ha sure you did connie. A women Is not allowed that much control in the misoginist world of the wbts. I digress however , I have a confession to make to you connie. It is I who followed you around to the laundry and defaced your magazines. It was I who was the wealthy housholder (in cognito) who slammed the door in your pretentous face. It was I who reported you to the branch office. Yes it was I who am playng the same BS game of grandstanding sarcasm as you have in all your previous posts.
My Husband Said "Victims Of Pedophiles Come Forward Soon, Not Fifteen Or Thirty Years Later!" Right?
by AuntConnie inmy husband had gotten into a fight with a couple of victims of different pedophiles, he said in all his years of elderhood, "men and women who were sexually assualted came forward when they were old enough, they did not wait for decades to report they were abused.
you must have some kind of false memory or you are just trying to bring shame to the congregations.
" what is the truth of this?.
by sieborg inwhere can i plug in my i-pod to read my downloaded publications ?
Are we there yet?
Who would you most like to meet from this board and why?
by usualusername inwho would you most like to meet from this board and why?.
i would love to by danmera dinner.
she rocks!.
I would love to meet Co Co. He was such a comfort when I was diagnosed with cancer.
Pedos - Hardwired?
by Satanus infrom the various readings about the subject, it occured to me that pedophilia could very well be hardwired, as are homosexuality and heterosexuality.
that's not to say that it can be legitimized, like the other 2 sexualities.
it does mean though, that a different approach needs to be taken as soon as pedo proclivity shows itself.
This is what wikipedia says:
Research suggests that pedophilia may be correlated with several different neurological abnormalities, and often co-exists with other personality disorders and psychological pathologies. In the contexts of forensic psychology and law enforcement, a variety of typologies have been suggested to categorize pedophiles according to behavior and motivations. [12]
Here is the link to the full article
Since it cannot be cured many states have laws that allow pedophiliacs to be civilly commited after they serve their prison time. This is something I whole heartedly support. Just as we feel no mercy for psychopathic killers neither should we be merciful to pedophiles.
A picture so outrageous, it deserves its own thread...
by cedars ini mean no disrespect to sd-7 or his fine thread on which this picture has already featured, but i think it is just so ridiculous that it deserves a thread all of its own.. lurkers and apologists, this is how your precious organization views itself.... behold the madness.... .
Eden I commend you for your frank comment. It is refreshing to see that there are some witnesses who are willing to question the teachings of the WBTS.
CO disfellowshipped, Central Coast, Australia
by WinstonSmith inhi guys,.
i was just looking through and there is a thread that was posted about four hours ago with the title "so our circuit overseer just got disfellowshipped" and there some basic details in their op.
the location is given as central coast, australia, which is north of sydney.. there aren't many more details other than "it has sent shockwaves throguh the congregations" and a query on the protocol in situations like this.
I think we are eager to help not because we always agree with what he did. I think we are willing to help him due the extreme sanctions imposed on him. Being cut off from family and friends is devestating. That person needs support. I have seen too many people who suffer staggering losses due to being disfellowshipped.