Posts by cavjj
Nah I'm just waiting for everyone else. If i'm honest, this forum was the prime candidate for our weekly MAD THURSDAY invasion. But our main forum got shut down today due to bandwidth problems so no-one got the details....... So here I am.... On my lonesome.... dum de dum dum dum
All in good time. All in good time. The night is young yet. Well it's still afternoon over there for you lot isn't it?
I do like Pork Pies.
You know what my biggest gripe with America is? Soccer. Why the hell do you call it Soccer? It's Football? We named it first and we actually use our feet to move the ball. You've got no right to call that poofters padded version of Rugby... Football. Rant over.
Hey at least we vote in Nation Leaders who are fairly competent. Come on, hands up. Who voted for Bush?
Hang on "wha happened", you come from the nation that gave birth to Mc Donalds, KFC, Pizza Hut, Ponderosa.....
I can't introduce myself, I'll be giving the game away if I do.
This religion is trash?
We are not here to read minds, just to show you how rubbish this religion is.
Between 5 - 10 yes. It would have been more but technical problems ensued.
We are coming.