Sea Breeze, nice to meet you. I appreciate that you quote scriptures.
The single person, the man of sin or as some other translations say, man of lawlessness is a prominent political figure who is popular among his supporters.
I think we have a fitting candidate. But he has not revealed all his caracteristics yet. But its comming.
I expect that he will endorse the authority of the comming seven headed beast.
And a such crisis due to the Covid-19 epidemic with all the economic consequences will surely predispose people to welcome a new Global Authority to solve this crisis.
Gordon Brown wants that the G20 countries form that authority. And then according to Kissinger USA would be the front figure for this new Global Authority.
So that would make Donald Trump the spokes man for the 7 headed beast.
I have seen Donad Trump tell how horrified he has been to see so many body bags.
I wonder if he will turn against God, because of this mess the Corona virus has caused, especially in USA. The massive unemployment, all the sickness and death, all the bankruptcies, etc.