There was no other good way of doing it. God created Adam and Eve with emotions and an intellect. But Adam and Eve decided to take the wrong way. They gave after to their desires. Instead they could have used their intellect to think if that was right or wise at least. It could have gone the other way. It was completely up to them. God did not fail in creating them such.
Some people just want to please God and others don't. Twins also develop different personalities. Why I don't know. It is just like that.
God said let us create man in our image. So Adam was as free as God to think and decide and he was created with emotions just as God has emotions. It was a great priviledge to be created according to God image, but it came with a risk being able to chose what to do. Either good or bad things.
But let's concentrate on the positive. We are living in the last days and soon every thing will be good. If we have difficulties to endure until it gets better, let's pray God's help to endure, even to be able to endure with joy!