You should get an original copy. The CD is copyrighted, so it's against the law to copy or to place an ISO on the web.
If it's against the law to post Ray Franzs Books online, it's against the law to post Watchtower stuff.
i'm going to post another thread on this since my last attempt to hijack a thread was utterly in vain.. does anyone have the latest watchtower library cd?
i *think* the year was '99 or '01, but i'm not 100% on that.. if so, would it be possible to put an iso of it on the web somewhere?
(or, if not, at least host it on your computer for a bit such that i could pick it up via icq or gnutella or something?).
You should get an original copy. The CD is copyrighted, so it's against the law to copy or to place an ISO on the web.
If it's against the law to post Ray Franzs Books online, it's against the law to post Watchtower stuff.
scanned for your convenience.. contradiction #1:.
um, doesn't the gb elevate itself above the so-called 'rank and file'?
not to mention the elders, the minsterial servants, the pioneers, auxillary pioneers, co's, do's, and attendants.
Are all men really equal?
Is everybody the president of the U.S.?
Are we all CEOs of a major corporation?
Are we all managers?
I think you misunderstand the meaning of "all men are equal".
i sent a letter today to a "heavy" in bethel regarding the un issue.
sorry for the formatting, but i'm dumping a word file... here's a section regarding the un:.
the un, steven bates, the guardian newspaper, and watchtower of new york, inc.. dan, i'm sure you are aware of some recent accusations by steven bates, a writer for the guardian newspaper (a british-based newspaper).
Why even write the letter?
No matter what they respond, it won't be enough because apostates are the wisest people on earth. They know everything and everybody.
i notice that the wt does a lot of quoting from various sources eg.
for their creation/ecolution and their magazines.. do they ever check whether their sources of information are reliable?.
what does all this quoting `prove', when i can do selective quoting that `proves' fairies exist, give me various books about fairies and i could cut and paste to `prove' fairies exist
Who sued them for misleading quotes?
the quote below was mentioned in a silentlambs post of pot calling the kettle black.
*** w90 2/1 25 exposing "the man of lawlessness" ***.
.. 19 the worldliness of some clergy has even been exposed in the media in recent times, as for example the licentious and luxurious life-styles of some tv clergymen.
My logic is not at all flawed. For example, did you "chuckle out loud" when messenger said "hey shithead, who is insulting who??"
Did you post that as a "prime example of hypocrisy"? Of course not.
You don't need to break it down further. I understand your view and I do not wish to argue with you.
the quote below was mentioned in a silentlambs post of pot calling the kettle black.
*** w90 2/1 25 exposing "the man of lawlessness" ***.
.. 19 the worldliness of some clergy has even been exposed in the media in recent times, as for example the licentious and luxurious life-styles of some tv clergymen.
dubla, it does seem funny now that I think about it, but to "laugh out loud". Come on, it wasn't that funny.
At least by jerk I was being nicer than using shithead as he did.
But I understand your position, you could never side with a JW. You will ignore all the insults a person like messenger throws at a Witness, but will "laugh out loud" when a Witness uses the word "jerk". Would you consider that a "prime example of hypocrisy"?
the quote below was mentioned in a silentlambs post of pot calling the kettle black.
*** w90 2/1 25 exposing "the man of lawlessness" ***.
.. 19 the worldliness of some clergy has even been exposed in the media in recent times, as for example the licentious and luxurious life-styles of some tv clergymen.
This is my last post to you. I will not argue with one that insults me.
I did serve in Bethel, in the Factory which is under the guidance of Brother Larson.
You prove nothing by saying you were there, anyone can make that statement.That is my point, you are "anyone".
How many people were there for the presentation? How much money was donated? When was it presented?Now you are interrogating me to get this information out of me? Nice strategy. I do not have anything to prove. You told the lie, you prove your source.
The Bethelites were victims of the higher upsThis is only your opinion. I was one of those Bethelites and I was not a victim.
You reveal your true intentions to try and prop up this absolute jerk who everyone at bethel disliked.Well it is obvious you do not like this man. I know the man very well and he is nothing like you describe. It's very easy for you to insult Brother Larson, insult me, and anyone else you don't like. Of course, you have the right to like or dislike anyone you want.
I am only saying that my opinion is that you are a jerk and a liar and trying to turn the tables on me and say that I wasn't there when you don't even know who I am does not erase that fact.
whats the good news?.
well in case you don't know in britian there is a government campain to make access available to the internet to every single person in britian within 5 years.. soon internet access will be wide spread via the tv without the need for a computer.. as i say thats bad news for the society.
Apostates have been prophesying the downfall of the Watchtower for years, and they're still around. Doesn't that make apostates "false prophets"?
the quote below was mentioned in a silentlambs post of pot calling the kettle black.
*** w90 2/1 25 exposing "the man of lawlessness" ***.
.. 19 the worldliness of some clergy has even been exposed in the media in recent times, as for example the licentious and luxurious life-styles of some tv clergymen.
hey shithead, who is insulting who??
Well I don't know, can you figure it out?
Can't reveal the eye witness eh? I wonder why?
Well I WAS an eye witness, I was there when the gift was presented, I know what it was and what it cost. And you are lying.
I did not say no one donated, I said no one was forced or coerced. You're trying too hard to discredit the Bethelites.
Max was pompus asshole and you would know that if you ever served at bethel which I doubt.Here are your true intentions, since you did not like Brother Larson, you will stoop so low as to lie to discredit this honest, humble brother. And I have served in Bethel, in the Factory building.
------------------- when the fecal matter hits the fan!
the book of malachi is addressed to the priests of israel after the time of judgment when the babylonians destroyed the nation.
but, in reality, the prophecy applies to the anointed priests of the christian era who are similarly in a legally binding covenant relationship with jehovah god.
You Know,
I understand your concern here, but you are judging your brothers too hard. They are looking after the worldwide organization and I don't see them softening their stance against the UN.
Here are just two examples:
*** w97 4/15 9 True Peace-From What Source? ***
7 What about the United Nations? Has it provided any real hope of lasting peace earth wide? Hardly. Over 150 wars and armed conflicts have been fought since its inception in 1945! It is no wonder that Gwynne Dyer, a Canadian student of war and its origins, described the UN as “an association of poachers turned gamekeepers, not an assembly of saints,” and “a largely powerless talking-shop.”—Compare Jeremiah 6:14; 8:15.
*** w97 5/1 16 No Peace for the False Messengers! ***
12 The celebration of the 50th anniversary of the UN failed to reveal any real prospect of “peace on earth.” One reason was indicated by a writer in The Toronto Star of Canada, who wrote: “The U.N. is a toothless lion, which roars when confronted by human savagery, but has to wait for its members to pop in its dentures before it can bite.” Too often that bite has been too little too late. The messengers of peace in the present world system, and especially those in Christendom, have been echoing the words of Jeremiah 6:14: “They try to heal the breakdown of my people lightly, saying, ‘There is peace! There is peace!’ when there is no peace.”
13 Successive secretaries-general of the UN have worked hard, and no doubt sincerely, to make the UN succeed. But the constant wrangling between the multipurposed 185 members about how to contain warfare, frame policy, and handle financing has stymied prospects of success. In his annual report for 1995, the then secretary-general wrote of the receding “spectre of global nuclear cataclysm” as opening the way for “nations to work together towards economic and social progress for the whole of humankind.” But he added: “Sadly, the record of world affairs over the past few years has largely belied those optimistic expectations.” Truly, the would-be messengers of peace are ‘weeping bitterly.’