I understand your point. The problem with all of this issue is that even if the abuser ends up in jail, the hurt cannot be erased and the abused still grow up to be downtrodden or "fucked up".
No I have not shared my opinion with anyone at Bethel. I figure they have already gotten the picture and are working to find a better way to handle the problem. But really if we compare the way things are handled now in regards to child abuser and compare it to 15 years ago, things haven gotten a little bit better.
Mr. Bowen,
Your response is not adequate. At least when comparing it to the accusations you are spreading about Watchtower attorneys Brown and Moreno. You accuse them of lying. I could use your same argument, if they are lying why are they not disfellowshipped. Kind of sounds silly, doesn't it?
Don't take all this personal, like you've taken it personal against the Watchtower because they did not dance when you told them to dance.
I question the way you use those abused as a personal vendetta against the Watchtower.
The truth of the matter is that the Watchtower will not make any changes based on the yelling and whining that you do. The Watchtower only makes changes based information provided from within from members that are honest, humble and not out to destroy them.
Don’t get me wrong. I want some changes made in this area, maybe not to the point that you want them, but don’t use those abused as guinea pigs. I am speaking from personal experience here and that’s as personal as I will get.
I agree 100% with you.