Hey Cofty.........................
Glad your here
hi all, its time i stopped lurking around here.
i've been posting at jws for just over a year, i know a few names here and it looks like there is lots of good banter going on.. i am a second generation, born-in who grew up in west-central scotland.
i pioneered in edinburgh and later married and settled in berwick just south of the border.
Hey Cofty.........................
Glad your here
Hey DS
Good to see you here
at work our radio is on the blink and all we can get is a local country music station.
i am so sick of hearing "rockin' the beer gut" and "i got gas in my truck and butter on my biscuit... i'm about ready to puke...
I want my,
I want my,
I want my
(Dire Straits - "Money for Nothing" kinda)
Quirky1 - I agree whole heartedly
i found this site set up by a loyal jw who wants to refute books like "crisis of conscience" and "captives of a concept".
i thought loyal jw's were not even supposed to read such books.. .
and to think..................
At one time I believed all that CLAPTRAP!!
Ha, Ha, Ha
this question was inspired by a question on another thread.
to the ex-jw community here,.
do any of you regret learning that wt is not god's organization?
I just regret that it took me
28 years AFTER I left to find it out
Better to have freedom now than never
many of us leave due to injustices committed inside the organization.
i did initially.
i had doubts about some doctrines for years - but not until after leaving the witnesses was i free to be able to confirm my suspicions and see that yes, i did have valid reasons to have doubts all those years .
I left for all the wrong reasons
Never felt the need to justify them
28 Years passed and the dissonance reared its ugly head
Then I had to start reconciling all those feelings
of doom and gloom (and basically the hopelessness)
This was my first stop thanks to Google
Was scared to death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Went through the
Wanting revenge
Turns out all my wrong reasons
were right. Imagine That
I now know that it's all a scam
Supernatural INDEED.............
i want to invite all of you to the 2010 'millions finally living' convention!
it will be held in aug. of 2010 at cedar point, oh where rutherford declared "millions now living will never die".. it will be a non-religious event to promote healing and a positive life after surviving affiliation with jws.
the website is under construction ...so bookmark the site!
I'm just 82.24 miles
Give or Take
Hi Jamie
i am still a member of the jw's organization.
i have been puzzled over some of the teachings for many years but as i seemed to be the only one querying things among my local jw's i felt as if i was going crazy.
i was very relieved to find this site, a few months ago, full of evidence to back up my findings, and so much more.. i am so grateful to you all.. i do not want to leave the organization until i have planted some seeds in my family to open their eyes.
Hello there
just wondering if anyone here left the org without ever looking at anything on the net and if so how did it happen for you?.
miss c.
Twas back in 1979
when I left 'cause I thought I was right
Then I became afraid I was wrong
and they were right
Ignored the feelings of doom and gloom
and lived a life of disconnect with the
world and everyone in it
Decided to examine my faith (or lack of it)
Almost (ALMOST) went back..................
Purely out of fear and confusion
Came to this forum
Read Ray's books
Read and studied daily
5 - 6 hours a day for
2 years.......................
Then I was cured.............
Dissonance gone
Athiest in
Peace at last
my husband ordered a "nook" for me as a gift.
i cancelled the order.
i like the feel of a book in my hands and my ever growing library.
It's nickname
The nookiebook
Bad choice in names
I read e-books on my
Bigger screen
larger capacity
more versatile
and less money....................