:We are all imperfect meat alright, God saw to that, but it does seem that his holy spirit could at least direct his faithful and discrete slave to not make so many different mistakes on doctrine, to the extent that if you go back 100 years almost nothing that was taught then is the same today. What's up with his spirit???:
We not sure we agree with statement about nothing not same. but let us say this. today wt say that when we devote ourself to Jehovah--we devote self to his will but still use our will.
we all free. God's spirit guide his people. but we have submit to spirit. we can grive spirit or just not allow self guided by spirit. then we make mistake in doctrine or missapprehend the will of Yahweh.
brother russell once quote bible verse in James 1:19. It say be slow about speaking. brother russell say that if we not slow to speak bout doctrine--we may run head of God spirit. Me think that answer to question. God spirit not blame. man blame.