Yes, Oompa its all your fault I'm here! tee hee
Really, I never would have posted here if I hadn't found Oompa here. Its kind of hard to mistake him for someone else though, isn't he?
Its a good thing I found this board, its been really helpful to read other experiences and feelings. It also helps when I need to vent.
So, thanks, Oompa!
JoinedPosts by redredrose
Anyone who joined here in the last 6 months post here
by WT=watchtrouble ini thought it would be interesting to see just how many people have climbed aboard jwd within the last 6 months.
it will give us an indication on how many people are actually coming away from the borg.. i may not be replying all the time but will pop in every day of so.. lets keep this thread going and use it to welcome new ones.
may i be the first to say welcome.
Cussing, swearing, & flippin' the bird....coping techniques?
by Lady Zombie insince my strategy for flying under the radar is to put some face time in at meetings, i found it neccessary to develop coping techniques so the top of my skull doesn't fly off from the insanity that is the jws.. profanity is one of my favorites.. if the bullshit factor gets to the point during the meeting where i begin to feel like barfing (happens a lot), i slip off to the ladies loo and lock myself in a stall.
since no one can see me, i'll sit on the toilet and flip the bird at the ceiling and the cackling jw hens that come into the bathroom.. when the final 'amen' is sounded, i scoop up my purse and books and rocket out the door.
once in my car and with engine started and radio going, i start cussing.
This thread cracks me up.
Lady Zombie, I so agree with you. Its a great coping mechanism, you can go to the KH, put a smile on your face just knowing what you're gonna cut loose with later.
I myself have found cussing to be very therapeutic, and don't feel that it indicates instability at all. Its just a means of releasing the pressure valve.
Whatever works.... -
I've seen at least two instances.
My mother lent an antique tablecloth each year for the Memorial. One year it came up missing afterward, and Mother said she would like it returned. They made announcements about the loss several times, and nobody ever coughed it up.
Another time, a friend of mine went to the restroom and took off her 1 carat ring to wash her hands. She didn't remember til after the meeting and when she went back to get it she found it gone. She told the PO and again, a number of announcement were made asking that it be returned and again it never was.
Really, JW's love to talk about their love for their brothers, but thats all it is, just talk. -
Why Depression Sucks.
by shamus inbecause you can make jokes and appear "happy" at the drop of a hat, meanwhile, you're being chewed up from the inside out.
because you can't learn to take one day at a time because your good days are always overshadowed by knowing that you're going to just slip back down again.
it's inevitable.
Everybodys depression is different. The causes are different, the feelings are different. Alot of people are depressed for different reasons at many times in their life.
I've suffered from depression for the greater part of my life. A psychologist I went to at first said that with cognitive behavioral therapy I could figure out what caused it and change my thinking to get over it. In the meantime he prescribed medication. For the first time in my life I felt NORMAL. After a lot of therapy he then told me that he thought my depression was organic (guess he didn't find enough wrong with me).
That was a number of years ago. Since then I have been on medication, trying different ones as they came along and it has made all the difference between being a cripple and leading a normal life.
I suppose my point is that since each one of us are different, then answers and solutions are different for each of us.
I used to feel guilty for not being able to be normal without meds. You know, you just feel like a weak person! Over time though, I looked at it in the same way as I look at taking my blood pressure medicine. Its just one more condition, one more illness that often can be kept under control with the proper treatment. No guilt anymore.
Whatever it takes for us to feel better about life, about ourselves is what we should do. Why should we feel guilty? This damned disease takes so much away from us, why shouldn't we do whatever it takes to get it back!
So we should do whatever we need to, get public assistance, health clinics, ask for cheaper meds...WHATEVER!
And don't feel guilty.
Okay, I'm off my soapbox now. -
Called hospice yesterday
by redredrose infor my mother who has alzheimers.
my husband and i made the decision over the weekend.
she is just getting weaker by the day, has no interest in food or liquid, and .
Thanks guys for your support.
Over the weekend it was difficult, because it meant finally admitting that the end is near. However, now that its done I feel
a good bit of relief.
Now I know that she will be more comfortable. That in itself is a load of guilt off my shoulders. -
Called hospice yesterday
by redredrose infor my mother who has alzheimers.
my husband and i made the decision over the weekend.
she is just getting weaker by the day, has no interest in food or liquid, and .
for my mother who has Alzheimers.
My husband and I made the decision over the weekend. She is just getting weaker by the day, has no interest in food or liquid, and
in the last week seems to be uncomfortable and more agitated.
I want to thank Oompa whose kind words factored into my decision.
So, I called them yesterday and they came this morning. By the afternoon liquid meds for pain had already been delivered.
Quick service, huh? They are going to be a big help by sending a nurse twice a week and sending someone else for 4 hours on Monday
and Friday, and for 2 hours on Saturday. They've already offered to get a hospital bed for her.
So, if anyone ever finds themselves in a similar condition, don't hesitate to call hospice. They are ready and willing to help. -
embarassing fs moments
by jehovahsheep inwhat are some strange things that have happened to you in fs?i remember accompying a sister 20 years my senor in the door to door.she started slipping on the ice=i reached out to help her and got 2 handfulls of breast.she proceeded to hold my arm and give me this lustful look with her tongue about uncomfortable..
Keep in mind that I live in the South where manners are paramount. I remember a number of years ago calling on this door and small elderly lady with a sweet smile answered the door.
So I went through my small sermon and read the scripture and asked her how she felt about it. She said, still with that sweet, sweet
smile on her face, "You seem like such a sweet girl, its a pity you're going to burn in hell!".
Oh my God! She shut the door in my face, and I stood there shocked. After a while all I could do was laugh! It still puts a smile on my face.
Only in the South. -
What goals do JWS have now?
by Fisherman inafter being the org for years and years, one becomes accustomed to jw activties, weekly meetings, assbly, etc... it becomes a habit, a routine, and something that as a jw ,you just do.
but one time jws had "spiritual goals" full time sevice, positions in the org.
do jws still have such goals ?
Yeah, its not like it was before 1975 is it? Back then everybody was burning through their retirement money, selling everything they had to serve where the need is great... and being commended for it by the congregation and the pubs.
Of course when it was over, they had nothing and ended up struggling their whole lives AND were blamed for it by those same congregations and publications...can you say - HYPOCRISY?
Now, retirement money is no longer a dirty word, and you won't see anybody ridding themselves of their worldly property to go serve where the need is greater.
BUT, as I understand it from the posts on this board, the GB has now started another campaign against going to college. Can't they make up their freaking minds??
Again, can you say HYPOCRISY ? -
Does the JW mindset ever leave totaley leave you ?????
by karter ini was 38 years in left 7 years i find myself still in the mindset sometimes maybe becouse wife and some family are still in but can you ever fully ''check out and leave"
All the responses to this question are good, all have something to offer.
But what about what Oompa said? How do you adjust when you are married to someone who still buys into the JW system? Especially if you are determined to keep your marriage intact - what about new friends? While I've been inactive for several years I still use the lingo, my friends are still active JW's.
How have some of you guys manage to make new friends without upsetting your husband/wife? -
Please Share Your Favorite Cooking Recipes ! Breakfast ,Dinner
by flipper inas i'm getting really hungry right now reading hortensia's thread about going nowhere , i noticed people sharing food cooking recipes on it !
so i thought i'd start a thread up asking for great cooking recipes !
thanks for the idea hortensia !
Roasted Balsamic Sweet Potatoes
Oven at 375
Cut up sweet potatoes into big chunks
Coat in olive oil to taste
Drizzle with balsamic vinegar
Salt and lots of black pepper
Roast on baking sheet for about 45 minutes or til tender and a bit caramelized ......Wonderful!
Render out the fat from a good amount of fatback
Add a mess of collards sliced thin
Add about 1/2 to 1 cup water
Onion and garlic powder to taste
Crushed red pepper to taste
Salt and black pepper
Cook 1 1/2 to 2 hours or longer if you're really Southern.........Pig Rules!