LARC: You are right, but I did think it was funny about the photos.
Forgive me larc for I have sinned
LARC: You are right, but I did think it was funny about the photos.
Forgive me larc for I have sinned
fanatics and such always seem to be in need of a crash course in how to dodge and wiggle out of embarrassing situations.
it is very handy to be able to talk yourself, and possibly others, away from the fact that you are a fanatic, which hasnt got a leg to stand on.
the procedure is, lie convincingly.. if you like to be able to do that, join jehovah's witnesses.
Its much the same tone in the Cild Custody information the Society sends out. Be fanatical without apearing fanatical.
LARC: See. Just maybe I was right
i was always told to tell the truth, even when i was "in the truth", but apparently that doesn't matter when it comes to dealing with non-witnesses :.
let's see what one wol says :.
my sister is inactive and haven't been to the hall in over a year; won't go.
Gosh Whats rong with that. Count youself lucky I wouldnt want to associate with perfecionists either.
PS I have a small child I would like to sacrifice sometimes
by the way, my name is mark and i myself am technically inactive on paper.
but anyhow, i thought that quote would speak more than i can articulate off hand.
look forward to chatting with you all.
Wellcome. Hope you have a good sense of humour
i was always told to tell the truth, even when i was "in the truth", but apparently that doesn't matter when it comes to dealing with non-witnesses :.
let's see what one wol says :.
my sister is inactive and haven't been to the hall in over a year; won't go.
Hot Site. Are you registerd there
the journey by mary oliver.
one day you finally knew.
what you had to do, and began,.
hi everyone........i love this site...!!!.
i just recently found it...and it feels so good to hear.
people talk about things that have been buzzing around in.
Im with Java - The bible by its nature and language is open to interpretation. If you cant trust it 100% you cant trust it at all. Dont you think the all mighty could come up with something a little less ambiguous.
need help bad.
i think i have the demon of apostasy please someone exorcise me.
yesterday my black sabath cds jumped up and ran out of the room.
No Im an IRON MAN but then again it could be Im just going through CHANGES.
I recignise you from somewhere??? Thats it a wanted poster!
I just had my picyure took to. Like it?