Hi! Velta,
In Mexico, they pronounce my name Berta.
I understand your words.
There is no sound of "V" in Japanese.
Therefore, the Japanese who cannot speak English does not pronounce "V".
For example, English "Love" is pronounced "labu".
Furthermore, there is also no difference between "R" and "L" in Japanese.
So, it is pronounced "rabu".
Moreover, Japanese does not have the pronunciation of only a consonant.
So, "Velta" is pronounced "beruta".
Moreover, the name which appears in the Bible is also different.
For example, "John" is pronounced "Yohane".
"Rachel" is pronounced "Rakeru".
"Peter" is pronounced "Petero".
"Jesus" is pronounced "Iesu"
This is the proper pronunciation in Japanese.
I would try until I got it as close as my English-speaking tongue could.
"Yahweh" does not pronounce "ja:wei" in Hebrew.
It is "mispronunciation".