Just a thought -- Jude was Jesus' half brother, also a brother of James - living, eating, sleeping, listening to Jesus' wisdom ....yet neither one indicated that God and Jesus were one - they were slaves of Jesus and gave proper respect to God, not indicating they were the same.. so if they didnt know it, how do we?
There are so many scriptures disputing the issue of the trinity, it doesnt make sense that the Bible writers were under a dark cloud of misunderstanding about the subject..
there is a captain of a ship i.e. YhWh, Jehovah, God who said "there is no God but me" and Jesus, God's next in command (remember Christ is the head of man scripture -- all things in harmony???) who perfects all things and hands it back to God His Father... as he so often called Yhwh,Jehovah... you cant hand something back to yourself, can you?
And.. out of the Living Bible pg 865- Acts 3:13 Peter expressly says" For it is the God of Abraham,( who is YHWH) Isaac,Jacob and of all out ancestors who has brought glory to his servant,Jesus.........you killed the author of Life but God brought him back to life again, and John and I are witnesses of this fact. So did God resurrect himself??
To say we can't or don't understand the spiritual realm is one thing, but this seems fairly clear -
Another question, do all those who come to know Christ belong to the "trinity"(for those who believe same)? Wouldn't that make the word trinity of no account? There would be God, Jesus, holy spirit, people,people,people... remember, for those who are not of the RC faith - this belief began with the church, way back about 300 AD--- who claimed to be inspired of God and still do today.. who is right and who is wrong..according to scripture? Walking a fine line - I choose to believe there is God - head of all, Jesus, his son and the spirit who gets things done--