All 3 creatures have hands and fingers (or the remnants of them). All 3 have very different wing structures. Surely one way of creating a wing is superior to all others. So why would a creator create three completely different ways? Further, why would a creator use the fundamental bone structure of a hand, each time? Evolution provides an obvious explanation for each of these questions.
The book “The Biotic Message” deals with these points.
The author argues that:
1. Life was created to show that it is the result of a single designer. Hence, “The similarity of these three organisms cannot be denied. They are variations on a theme, possessing a common body plan. This sends the unifying message.”
2. Life was designed to resist all other explanations. Hence, the organisms are “systematically placed (regarding all other organisms) so their common possession of wings cannot be explained by common descent.” “Evolutionists are left to account for the evolution of wings (and flight!) separately for each case.”
Biotic Message p. 354