ok are you prepared because this is going to be long,
i want to be able to open up entirely emotionaly the problem is you have to be totally100% comfortable with someone to be able to do that,..... im almost there theres about five percent left to go. im not going to say i want a man to opent he door for me and allways know exactly when i feel bad and shower me with kisses cause that is not realistic.
-if its obvious that i feel like shit ask me whats wrong? i dont need to you hold me until i feel better cause that could be for a long time... the most important thing firstly is that i know u care, thats what something like that tells me.
-know how to listen even if you think what im talkign about is stupid. sometimes all a women needs to do is vent.. all you have to do is add an isee in there every once in a while and your set. but dont just pretend. that pisses us off. actually listen, and we will do the same.
-do the dishes or vacuum every once in a while or something to that effect, major brownie points there (lol)
-ask what we want to do sometimes, and actually do it cause you know we do things we dont want to do all the time for you
-even if we fight always make me feel like you still love me. i dont ever want to go to bed angry. especially when you are someone like me with depression its never a good thing. a fight never has to include anything personal or anything derogatory. personally i think you can solve issues without a fight in the first place even if either of you are angry
-Tell me you love me, all women know their partners do but when its actually said to you theres no better feeling, in my experiance atleast.
-try to understand my point of view even if ts wrong. dont just tear me to peices but try and see what i mean why i feel that way about a certain situation
-be cuddly once in a while its lovely
-this is very important.. realize that when i have my period i am gonna be emotional so the thigns you do even if not bad will effect me more than normally and i might be a crazy bitch. so try not to yell at me for it... we will usually tell u ahead of time anyways, if you cant tell on your own
-if im crying give me a hug... dont have to hole me the whole time.. but a hug makes me feel better
now for the random things
-keep the facial hair its sexy
-same with chest hair( manscaping is weird)
- dont get mad over sex... if anything is ever weird we understand it jsut as much as your do. we all learned the same things.
-remember the clitoris!!!! yes you can have an orgasm during sex from hitting the g spot etc. but if u start to go towards the clit for a while and then stop...... no... never stop it feels to good. let us have that atleast.... clitoral orgasm please. basically if you start it. you have to finish it!
-this is jsut a tip basically. masage earns major brownie points :)
-understand love
theres lots of other thigns i could say but none of these thigns are extremely important the random ones i mean. there is no perfect man or women. all i ever want is love and understanding. you could be the msot incredible asshole to me one day andill still love you. love is not dependant on someones temporary actions... understand love. know that the only reason id ever leave you was if you were abusive or cheated.. nothing else matters cause all can be worked out. if i love you ill see past all your little quirks and problems and i wont care. sure it might bug me sometimes butthat doesnt mean that if you piss me off during the day i wont love you the same amount as i did when i woke up in your arms.
the most important thing to me is let me know im loved. i could have the shittiest possible day. but if i come home at night and go to bed snuggled in beside yuo. all of that will melt away. cause really where would we ever rather be, then with the man we love :)