He left a year before me in 07 and i left in the summer of 08 if it wasnt for meeting him and his help i might still be there. I was df'd and my parents kicked me out and he immediately took care of me :) and i had only met him maybe a few weeks prior and had about three dates :)
JoinedPosts by chellechelle
Newly Engaged to Be Married ! Posters : Mincan & ChelleChelle !
by flipper inmy wife and i have some young friends in eastern canada , mincan & chellechelle have announced their engagement !
so congratulations you two !
hope you have a long , happy life together !
If you could choose to live in any generation in any time period,
by John Doe inwhich would you choose and why?.
Ancient rome as long as I was within an atlkeast semi wealthy class. I would love to witness first hand exactly how it fell. It is so similar to what is happen now a days it is scary
http://www.cato.org/pubs/journal/cjv14n2-7.html This is Mind blowingly interesting
Dec. 15th WT - WT Skewed View of Love- Preach, Die, Suffer, Help our Own
by flipper inwell, they are up to their old tricks again.
trying to manipulate rank and file members views of what " real love " is again.. the title of the study article is " love that never fails " .
as my jw daughter so succinctly informed me a couple weeks ago that the most important way jehovah's witnesses are counseled to " show love " is by preaching the good news door to door.
Not to mention this is the fate my mom and fiances mom both share
Dec. 15th WT - WT Skewed View of Love- Preach, Die, Suffer, Help our Own
by flipper inwell, they are up to their old tricks again.
trying to manipulate rank and file members views of what " real love " is again.. the title of the study article is " love that never fails " .
as my jw daughter so succinctly informed me a couple weeks ago that the most important way jehovah's witnesses are counseled to " show love " is by preaching the good news door to door.
"Woop de frikking - do . Now tell me again HOW IN THE WORLD that benefits the witnesses who died ? For what reason ? No good one I can think of. In fact - the WT society wants to drive this point home so blatantly about sacrificing your life they continue, " Such love goes beyond just giving up something in a material way . It extends to the point of BEING WILLING to maintain our integrity and EVEN TO LOSE OUR LIFE for the sake of Christ. " So it's like - " Die you slaves you will be rewarded. " Personally - I'd like to volunteer Jaracz and the rest of the GB to the front lines - see if they soil themselves or not. Idiots. "
will someone tell me how to do the quote thing on here i cant figure it out, for now i am doing this manually.
This is the part that scares me. From all I am learning about the present affairs of the world, the way government works, the economic so called "crisis" and the law, The jehovahs witnesses are the perfect religion. Who else would willingly walk into the concentration camps when the government no longer wants to deal with us. The elite of the world are slowly closing their open hand around us and people like this are making it easier. They want more control, they want us to spy on eachother (have any of you seen the Iwatch comercials in the states?) they are putting traceable microchips into everything. And no doub they would want the implanted in us as they have convinced us all to do with our pets. There are now drone planes patrolling our borders. And Jehovahs witnesses are saying, " this is exactly what the bible has fortold! we must accept our punishments for god will save us. lets go into the concetration camps like the sheeple we are."
The only chance we have is what is very close to happening in the states right now. Some states are very close to suceeding because they no longer want to be accountable for the national debt washington has wracked up. this is called standing up to the government. The only way we can do this is if people band together. How can we do this when the witnesses are telling everyone to give in. I have great faith that is is a cult and the elite is using it to its full advantage. it makes me sick
Were you or someone you know sexually molested by a Jehovah's Witness ?
by flipper indue to the fact there are about 27,000 members of this religion that are known pedophiles, and the information about it is kept in a secret database file, i wonder how many lurking jw's as well as others are aware of the severity of this problem?
remember, it's 27,000 pedophiles that they know about.
what about the thousands that don't get caught?
as to anything else this thread has jsut made me so emotional. i dont know how anyone can deny this happening. this is why people are taking renia as a threat. if you say it happened to you then obviously it did. how could she possibly say witnessesd do not do these things when so many people here have had it happen to them or nknow of people its happened to. i jsut started talking to a friend of mine who was abused sexually and physically her entire marriage and the guy was made a ministerial servant. and she was difelloshipped because she refused not to get a divorce.
and i have had my own experiances as many on here know..
Were you or someone you know sexually molested by a Jehovah's Witness ?
by flipper indue to the fact there are about 27,000 members of this religion that are known pedophiles, and the information about it is kept in a secret database file, i wonder how many lurking jw's as well as others are aware of the severity of this problem?
remember, it's 27,000 pedophiles that they know about.
what about the thousands that don't get caught?
i have one question.. if reniaa is a witness. why is she on the website at all. wouldnt she be reproved for this...
How has Life Been Going For You ? Wanna Talk about It ?
by flipper inare you hanging in there with life and moving on- post witness ?
i'm sure most are staying busy with work- or staying busy looking for work with this economy.
are you moving on and enjoying life in your leisure time ?
have to say i havent been on this forum in quite a while now. we have been dealing with quite a lot. i am trying to maintain contact with my sister who is still living with my seriously addicted jw mother. talked to her on monday for this first time in months. my boyfriend and i have had to float around between friends for three months as we were awaiting an aprtment to move into. thankfully we finaly found one and it is the best we could have hoped for. its a basment apartment in a brand new and absolutely beautifuly decorated house/. we will be moving in on wednsday if my dads car get out of hte shop so he can help us move. if not we arent sure what we are going to do. we both plan to start doing a few correspondence courses and start getting on our way to college. we personally just cant wait to have our own space and privacy back, which we have been severally lacking for over three months now. there has been quite alot of family drama going on for me as they seem to hate mincan and i way of life. everyone seems to have such a problem with him and i jsut cant see why. he is so amazing and takes care of me better then my own father ever did. happy to say we have jsut had our one year anniversary and i cant wait until the next one.
Name one thing the WTS did for you and your family!
by RULES & REGULATIONS ini was just thinking of all the things i did for the wts (a group of old men that live in new york whom i've never seen and never will) and what they gave me in return.. .
what i did for the wts :.
studied the ''truth book'' for 6 months just to get baptized.
made my mother a diepressed bitchy mess, my non witness father caught between two people he loves and my sister making my mom happy by not seeing me so she doesnt get in any shit from her :(
no one there is only cherries and that is all... enjoy :)
Our JW Friend told by Elder "Satan is using a Pedophile to Break your Faith"
by flipper ini was given permission by a jw friend of my wife and me to post this experience.
she's anonymous and posts on the board.
she is married to a witness still but is fighting on behalf of children in her congregation to not be a next victim of a pedophile who attends her congregation.
she may not want to get thorougly involved in this situation for the sake of keeping her own sanity, but what i think needs to happe is to go to the authorities. if you are concerned that he is touching his own daugher you can even leave annoymous tips to child and family services, oh, and is there a mother in the picture here?
when you notice him doing something, everytime write down what it is he is doing and keep a record one really good thing would be to get someone else to notice this aswell. if there is another witness the cops will act sooner as the information is more credible. However, if he is already on the sex offender lsit any little thing that he would do would be investigate. i know that you would want to be absolutely sure before doing something like this but really think of it this was, and im not wanting anyone to feel bad, if there is any suspicious that a child is being abused or hurt you should do all you can to stop this.
it was good to start with the elders as they could keep watch on him aswell, but yopur eally need to go to the authorities. you can even tell them about the elder you talked to who agreed with you breifly and he will be required to tell the truth to the police about this, both under law, and under his so called christian conscience.. i will comment more later
but best of luck :)