How do you eat an Elephant...One bite at a time.
We must keep scooping the new light, annoucements, publication changes and the like. Eventually, it will go quietly into the night.
If you examine the doctrine they have set out as prophecy it speaks volumes about an exit strategy, should things start toppeling like Sampson's last party.
Anyone remember the new field service group leader the R&F should look to in times of disaster. He is a shock absorber.
Should Momma just up an "die" then they will persevere for awhile under the guise of the organization being under attack and then gradually all will realize the big A is not upon us and is not coming.
So 99% of JW's will then reassimalate into society, with the WTBTS only a fond or not so fond memory depending on the person. A suprisingly large amount will hold onto their beliefs but they will be tolerated by the rest of humanity throughout the rest of their lives, as they should be.
All of this is already in place and the Tower will exist as long as it can building wealth as it goes.
As a monetary point; the WTBTS does not loose money. They may be hemorraging money but make no mistake they take in a lot more than they spend.
Although I have no proof of this, I believe they budget within certain margins. For example, if a trend develops that cost(s) to operate begin to eat into the net profit margin, set at let's say 30%, then they begin to reduce the costs to produce publications, cut jobs, sell property, and then increase revenue via investment or interest increases through more loans to Kingdom Hall or Assembly Halls. Thus the margin is restored and net worth continues to increase. When the amounts of money are so large little changes can have a net positive result on income or profits.
They are going to milk this cow as long as it will give milk then abandon it in the state park when it begins to die so they don't have to bury it.