As long as you don't have some sort of reputable ombudsman to speak for the majority you will all be free to express your own opinions. Unfortunately when all are expressing their opinions at the same time no one hears a thing except static noise.
Autonomy for all who don't want to be known can happen in a structure. Just look at GE for example, I know Jeffery Immelt is the CEO but who is his second in command? I have no idea. (Some would say Obama, again I digress)
But for those who don't mind being out there in the lime light, let them be a mouth piece for the majority of us.
The internet will make the headway for several years to come as people begin to use it more for credible information about whatever subject they want info on. But to really make inroads into the demise of the WTBTS then a structured resistance must be formed.
We are a rag tag bunch of soldiers who have no direction trying to go up against a well oiled military whose foot soldiers could scatter us anytime they wanted. Those of us who are trying to stay "in" for the sake of family or other reasons could be hunted down via savy internet tech sluething. We all know this.
But what I think the WTBTS knows is that might just spark a formal rebellion.
A clearing house is fine, but more will be needed in the future. Someone with some clout will have to emerge to be a spokesman and play within the rules of the media to get the airtime needed.
Money is the answer, talented people who know what they are doing cost money, effective campaigns cost money, court battles cost money, professional looking websites cost money, money is what makes the world go around.