As you requested I'm posting this to the main thread for Trilobite who's reached the limit for today.
We seem to be at something of an impasse with the press. Currently, the Guardian seems to have an exclusive. I'd suggest we use that fact to get further publicity for the UN-WTS connection. One way that editors decide if a story is of sufficient interest to warrant follow ups is by the number of letters to the editor that the stories generate. So I suggest that as many of us as possible write to the editor of Guardian Weekly with a copy (cc'd) to the Guardian's editor too.
Also, send copies to the New York Times, Washington Post, As it Happens (Canadian Broadcast) etc. Nothing irks an editor more than to see a rival getting an exclusive. Also, if the Guardian editors see a huge number of letters it will be good for Stephen Bates too, who is doing a sterling job of getting this story out. If the big US papers publish something then the locals will likely follow.
The only way this will work is if we all write letters over the next few days so that the editors see a huge spike in interest. If possible, include something that would suggest a follow up article would be desirable, e.g., demand a response from the WTS. The idea is not so much to get the letter published, although some might be if enough are received, as to deluge the editors and thereby demonstrate global interest.
Be sure to use a provocative subject header in the e-mail subject line: I'm using: Jehovah's Witnesses and the UN: A study in Hypocrisy.
Here are the addresses and instructions (you can ask to be kept anonymous but they may not publish it).
The Guardian Weekly: Note the second address's instructions carefully;,3961,210620,00.html Letters to the editor, Notes & Queries and other general editorial correspondence with the Guardian Weekly should be sent to our main e-mail address at
[email protected]
But if you are among the many readers around the globe who would like to submit an article for possible publication as a "Letter from..." please send it to the new e-mail address of
[email protected]
The Guardian:,6957,180522,00.html
Want to send a letter? You can email letters to the Guardian ar the following address:
[email protected], fax them to 0207 837 4530, or post them to:
19 Farringdon Road,
London EC1R 3ER
We do not publish letters where only an email address is supplied; please include a full postal address and a reference to the relevant article. If you do not want your email address published, please say so.
Here's a preliminary draft of my letter. Appreciate yr thoughts:
To the Editor;
I was intrigued by Stephen Bates' excellent article in The Guardian Weekly, following up on previous articles in the Guardian, in which he exposes the hypocritical affiliation between the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York (Jehovah's Witnesses) and the United Nations. As pointed out by Mr. Bates, the Witnesses have denounced the UN, and the League of Nations before it, in apocalyptic terms for over 80 years. Judging by the activity on Witness discussion boards that these article have generated, tens of thousands of Witnesses across the world are asking "Why?" Not just why did the WTS affiliate as an NGO but why did they disaffiliate only two days after the first story in the Guardian? Almost two weeks later the Watchtower remains silent on this issue. Is it possibly because they can find no answer, except, perhaps "Guilty as charged." This silence in the face of worldwide spiritual unrest among the faithful does not bode well for the organization.
As an large international religion the WTS could accomplish much good for its followers, and others, as a UN affiliate. It is a great pity that the Society has decided to sacrifice this opporunity in favor of a mouldy, somewhat whacky, 1930s interpretation of rather obscure imagery in the Bible book of Revelation.
However, all may not be lost. The shock to the WTS that this latest revelation has induced also provides an opporunity for much needed reform; The Society must admit its duplicity, and, in a true spirit of Christian repentance commit to serious and open reform starting with its polices on blood, the handling of child abusers within its ranks and its severe disfellowshipping policy. Aftre that an overhaul of its inconsistent doctrinal basis should be instituted.
Yours etc.,
cc: The Editor, The Guardian