wifekeepsmeinit, (sounds like a parallel universe...)
For what it's worth, I advise you to go a little lighter on the religious tone of your letter. Sure, references to Christ's patience with His (note:capital "H") apostles and with children are fine, but remember, Catholics are truly "rice Christians." The MESSAGE of the Gospel is in the DOING of the Gospel...the feeding of the multitude, the teaching of the crowds, the healing of the sick. You sound more like a Baptist, sorry about that.
Also, I would compose something not too heavy about discipline. The lack of it in our society...the low bar that is set for goals...yet, the balance needed so as not to stifle creativity and "free thinking."
Catholics colonialised a huge portion of the world by watering down the gospel and adapting to local traditions. Show your own version of "open arms" either racially or by refering to underachievers in large-hearted terms...and mean it.
You can do this. My wife keeps me in, too, but inside, I'm out.
Hope it helps.