It's man made material and it's not like your throwing God's word the bible out the door it is man's word and man's opinion.
I say make a huge Bonfire!
though my wife has never been baptized, she has a shelf of wt publications as well as watchtowers and awakes.
are these magazines to be kept by a jw forever??
It's man made material and it's not like your throwing God's word the bible out the door it is man's word and man's opinion.
I say make a huge Bonfire!
ok this is absolutley frustrating!.
my wife's logic is beyond comprehension!
all she does is repeat the society logic bullshit!
Even when she disagrees with the society, she says it is a
conscience matter or a personal decision and the WTS doesn't
insist on things their way.
Ya but there gonna make you feel as guilty as possible. we know there rutine all they want out of you is to be a full time zombie!
Tell her to ask any brother or sister what they feel about going to college or there kids going to college. Everyone will say its wrong and a bad influence and everything negative like the WitchTower taught them. Ive done it myself i asked all kinds of people and it was negative evertime.
Brainwashed by the Borg!
ok this is absolutley frustrating!.
my wife's logic is beyond comprehension!
all she does is repeat the society logic bullshit!
Nothing better than having a woman as a zombie freak !
Thank you for your pledge toward the Greatest film made since (Gone with the Wind) Night of the living Borg. There may be a name change if i come up with something better or somone else makes a better suggestion. LOL
I'm thinking they should beable to speak a few Watchtower Zombie words to really get scary so when your running from them screaming there trying to preach to you and trying to eat your brains.
ok this is absolutley frustrating!.
my wife's logic is beyond comprehension!
all she does is repeat the society logic bullshit!
I will continue to chip away i know i have my daughter to think about now.
I agree i'm starting to see more clearly just been a tough week after talking to the Borg!
Thx again
ok this is absolutley frustrating!.
my wife's logic is beyond comprehension!
all she does is repeat the society logic bullshit!
I agree nameless one.
I need to be patient and that is one thing that i have very little of. I will look into all the countering mind control.
I'ts just hard for somone who has always been a free thinker even in the Borg that somone could be this controlled!
Thx for all the help!
ok this is absolutley frustrating!.
my wife's logic is beyond comprehension!
all she does is repeat the society logic bullshit!
Exactly Minister Amos
They control what they teach you and your children. What you don't think they know whats best for you? lol
Rollover is rite i already used that one on my wife why she does no research!
What can you expect from a zombie tho right!
here's the text of interviews from the friday afternoon "young people - walk by holy spirit in the congregation" presentation at a 2008 jehovah's witness district convention.
this transcription approximately covers the second half of the presentation.
i've omitted names and locations to preserve individuals' privacy.
Let me go get a big stack of the ones with articles on avoiding "higher education" in favor of "service to Jehovah" instead...they'll make GREAT barfbags for all who need them!
I guarantee there will still not be enough for all especailly after the mess Honesty made.
ok this is absolutley frustrating!.
my wife's logic is beyond comprehension!
all she does is repeat the society logic bullshit!
i'm totally challenging her and i am still the head of the house and had already told her not to bring my daughter out in service with her. I told her today no more meeting until she proves i'm wrong which she will not do! I think i will do the bible study with her and just read the bible with here.
I told her no WitchTower literature read to my daughter.
Thx for all the support!
ok this is absolutley frustrating!.
my wife's logic is beyond comprehension!
all she does is repeat the society logic bullshit!
I think that's what i should do what you suggested is have a bible study with no literature and some outside reference. i'm not trying to convert her.I'm already all over the headship and told her not to discuss any family matters with anyone and the Elders were not in control of my family and never will be. just want here to be resonable because i don't have any clue where to convert her to because i don't think any organization serves God at this point.I think i'm going to go it alone from here out and not try searching for any organized Religion for now.
ok this is absolutley frustrating!.
my wife's logic is beyond comprehension!
all she does is repeat the society logic bullshit!
Thx flipper!
Thats really my main consern is to protect my daughter. i told her no going out in service and now no meetings! she will have a normal child hood. only study the bible with her and no WtchTwer childrens books. Thats my idea protect her while she is young and volnorable. Thx again!