It does not count so much because that is an individual where i'm looking for more dirt on the BORG!
Nice ! Can it be posted to this sight or is it already posted here?
This information would be good to know! Thx
i also thought of this yesterday.
j. edgar hoover was in charge for like 50 years and he investigated everyone.
what was his thoughts about the watchtower did he consider them a threat?.
It does not count so much because that is an individual where i'm looking for more dirt on the BORG!
Nice ! Can it be posted to this sight or is it already posted here?
This information would be good to know! Thx
maybe for the same reason the bible namecalls:.
The WTBTS Is an Evil Corporation!
It has a Board of directors it has Advisory board and it has a corporate spokesperson, and it has it's lawyers!
The only corporation in the World where it's employees work for free!
Then it has it's neverending Spamming press that prints more Spam then anyone just to study the bible!
Advertis Advertise Advertise , you know the rest!
Tha'ts not even getting into the part about it being a cult so i would have to say they are the most Evil Corpoation on the entire planet.
Evil Evil Evil They sell empty promises you can't get any sicker than that!
Barf !
i also thought of this yesterday.
j. edgar hoover was in charge for like 50 years and he investigated everyone.
what was his thoughts about the watchtower did he consider them a threat?.
Lol, little old ladies in tennis shoe's
Ya they were probly not much of a threat to the government.
Too bad they were not followed like Martin Luther King or somone like that where they have information on the infidelity of Rutherford!
i also thought of this yesterday.
j. edgar hoover was in charge for like 50 years and he investigated everyone.
what was his thoughts about the watchtower did he consider them a threat?.
We knew they were arrested and put in prison but that's what i was looking for what didgeridoo said How did J Edgar Hoover know they were not Nazis if they were not investigated!
I'm thinking if somone would inquired to the FBI we may be surprised how much information they have on the early organization!
They probly had spies in there and everything!
What about the freedom of information act?
maybe for the same reason the bible namecalls:.
What? You have to be politically correct to some crazed cult that teaches you lies?
If you set yourself up That you are Gods Organization and spokesperson for the world then your leaving yourself open for attacks!
Don't proclaim you have the truth when your organization is full of lies and deceit!
And we won't make fun of it!
Thank you!
What good things do you have to say about
Oh Jim Jones was a swell guy he really loved his people! WOW
Lets not say anything bad about Hitler it might hurt somones feelings!
i also thought of this yesterday.
j. edgar hoover was in charge for like 50 years and he investigated everyone.
what was his thoughts about the watchtower did he consider them a threat?.
I would not doubt that but you know J Edgar hoover he probly had them investigated like 50-60 years ago. any country who has an organization who does not fight for it's country i would consider it a threat because they could influence other people to do the same thing!
I google searched and so far nothing came up.
i also thought of this yesterday.
j. edgar hoover was in charge for like 50 years and he investigated everyone.
what was his thoughts about the watchtower did he consider them a threat?.
I also thought of this yesterday. J. Edgar Hoover was in charge for like 50 years and he investigated everyone. What was his thoughts about the Watchtower did he consider them a threat?
He could have had people follow old Joseph Rutherford around and got alot of dirt on the society?
Has anyone heard anything or looked into this! Alot of information can be released if they have any because it would be pretty old!
Let me know if you know anything about this subject! Thx
i started to think today what about all the people who lived or live in rural areas are they abandoned to god becuase they happen to be born in a location that does not have a church or a place of worship?.
also if you are born in a muslim country your chances of being a muslim is about 100 percent and if your born in india you chances that you will be hindu and so on.
i think these places of worship are basically all placed to learn doctrines of man and are all corrupted in one way or another or one extreme to another!.
i started to think today what about all the people who lived or live in rural areas are they abandoned to god becuase they happen to be born in a location that does not have a church or a place of worship?.
also if you are born in a muslim country your chances of being a muslim is about 100 percent and if your born in india you chances that you will be hindu and so on.
i think these places of worship are basically all placed to learn doctrines of man and are all corrupted in one way or another or one extreme to another!.
I agree!
To me it seems like each go far beyond the what the bible speaks !
I will always beleive in a creator but never again will go to any organized meetings!
i started to think today what about all the people who lived or live in rural areas are they abandoned to god becuase they happen to be born in a location that does not have a church or a place of worship?.
also if you are born in a muslim country your chances of being a muslim is about 100 percent and if your born in india you chances that you will be hindu and so on.
i think these places of worship are basically all placed to learn doctrines of man and are all corrupted in one way or another or one extreme to another!.
I started to think today what about all the people who lived or live in rural areas are they abandoned to God becuase they happen to be born in a location that does not have a church or a place of worship?
Also if you are born in a muslim country your chances of being a muslim is about 100 percent and if your born in India you chances that you will be Hindu and so on
I think these places of worship are basically all placed to learn doctrines of man and are all corrupted in one way or another or one extreme to another!
I'ts not there fault they were born there so what do you think about this subject i'm sure it has been discussed before?