I asked CO and a PO how decisions are made on blood issues? That person has to have a college Education to make such decisions. Well they have the perfect answer(BARF).
They tell you these people had already gone to college before entering the truth. They will tell you time is to short and blah blah blah . So anyone who is raised in the Borg or comes in at a young age before entering College should settle for a life of cleaning toilets and washing windows!
It's not about what the R&F think its what the Society prints!
I talked to a sister in florida about college for her daughter who is like 12 and she said her daughter had already decided to be a Pioneer(BARF) These people are brainwashed bigtime and there passing this bullshit down to there kids!
I've been talking to my Wife more and more and she is missing more and more meeting she missed the last 2 in a row! I'm gonna break these scumbags hold on everyone i talk to!
Death to the Witchtower!