RE: illegal immigrants, I cannot say why he isnt doing anything but I can speculate. II's = cheap labor = benefits for businesses.
RE: Affirmative Action...The problem is the playing field is still way off kilter. One third of black men will spend time in jail, compared to 1 in 27 white men. Driving while black can be hazzardous to your health. I am rarely pulled over. Most every time I have been Ive been with a black woman. Many black men and women still face discrimination in the work place, getting fewer raises, lower quality jobs, promotions and so forth. The same is true of women. In the trades in ohio, black men are still..STILL often the first ones laid off in a slow down...this despite their qualifications.
Should a black man who is not qualified get a job? I would say no. But should a black man that is qualified be the first to be fired or laid off or denied a job? I would also say no. Affirmative action should be used to ensure those that are qualified get the jobs and the training to keep them qualified. The same is true btw of women who are still not paid on the same scales as men.
That having been said, white pride is great as well. If I want to go to an irish festival, that doesnt seem to be much of a problem. If I wanted to go to a white festival I would be automatically suspect.
Flying High
Reverse Racism would mean that people like me because of my race. Blacks like me because I am irish. If a black person treats me nasty because of my race, that is not reverse racism that is racism. There is however a difference between trying to assist people that have been economically forbidden from joining society as a group and racism. That having been said, there are many poor whites who are also struggling. Whiteness does not equate to success.
RE: white racial slurs...that has a lot to do with white guilt. I dont have any and am racist and racial and anti-racist all at the same time.
Six of Nine
Exactly. There still are struggles. Being able to live without getting lynched does not mean racism has disappeared. I am amazed at the numbers of folks, of various races, that are convinced they are not racists, when they are making decisions about the daily lives of people based on their race. My S.O.'s father was a pipe fitter. In the eighties there was a slow down in cleveland for a short while. They laid off all of the black pipe fitters first. The union did notthing to help. These men lost homes, families, and lives because of it.
Racism can be subtle. My mum would go on that she wasnt a racist but that she did not believe inmixing because it was the children of those unions that suffered. Thus the solution, no mixing. What? That isnt racist and she was convinced it wasnt? How about this as a freakin solution. Instead of causing the children to suffer by treating them badly..lift them up. Provide pride to them about both sides of their heritages.
Racism is alive and well. Many times it is overt. Many times it is subtly overt. Other times it is under the surface. Ive heard many whites declare they are not racist. I did so for a long time. The last couple of years though Ive analysed. I am a racist. Thus now where do I go? Growth. I do not have to understand why a black man likes chitterlings. I dont have to eat them. I certainly dont have to cause him a hassle because he eats them. Understand there are differences.
If the young republicans want a white scholarship, so be it. Let them also understand though that sometimes, some people still are prevented from accomplishing their goals (persuit of happiness) because of racism denied.