Imbue, the question isnt why you would want to listen to my cult propaganda. The question is why are you listening to it, that is to say, you personally. Since you are responding relatively quickly after I have responded, each time, you have either checked the box that says 'check here to be notified by email whenever anyone replies to this topic' or you are coming back here and refreshing this topic to know that I have posted. In any case you are quoting the things that I am saying, thus you are reading them, and thus listening to them. So again the question is, why are you listening to my cult propaganda (assuming you dont actually want to listen to it.
JoinedPosts by Hyghlandyr
Hyghlandyrs Four Pillars, his Hygh Geas.
by Hyghlandyr insome of you know that i have stated i am amoral.
that means that i have no moral system.
no ethical system either.
Hyghlandyrs Four Pillars, his Hygh Geas.
by Hyghlandyr insome of you know that i have stated i am amoral.
that means that i have no moral system.
no ethical system either.
Butalbee, what more in life could a feller want but a cult, and a harem. IT is silly that all these cults like the witnesses dont allow harems at least for their leaders....
Imbue, um, no I didnt say I was a psych case study. You most likely misunderstood what I said. But as you pointed out, you dont read most of what I say anyhow.
Butalbee I reread...what You said. Actually those postulates are for me personally, not for others. Geas are certainly something I will use in my cult. But I will not define other people's geas for them, they have to do that on their own.
Except for those of the slave class. They will simply have to do whatever we (the cult leaders) say. Funny how in my cult the slave class is REALLY going to be a slave class...not a leader class called a slave class.
Hyghlandyrs Four Pillars, his Hygh Geas.
by Hyghlandyr insome of you know that i have stated i am amoral.
that means that i have no moral system.
no ethical system either.
Shimmer, when I use manic I use it in the dictionary sense not the professional sense. I am not now, nor have ever been under the care of a pyschiatrist. I am a very excited person, happy about life, thrilled to be alive. I have a lot of energy and I am always doing something, thinking something. My attention span, when I wish it, can focus on a single problem. But I am often jumping around in my mind and actions doing several things at once. I used to be in several chat services in several rooms on each in times past.
So I have not been diagnosed manic. I am aware that many many Irish are Bi-polar. Ive run into lots of them. From what Ive read I could be that way. I dont object. However I no longer suffer depression. My black moods were based on circumstances I am sure, rather than chemical imbalances, because as soon as I stopped attending the kingdom hall, and any sort of religious service on a regular basis, and as soon as I stopped associating with people who were depressing me, I stopped being depressed.
Yes I hear voices all of the time. My own. hehehe:) I talk to myself, mentally, I evaluate problems, I discuss things with myself as if I am two, three or more people. I have this ability(affliction?) to start singing a song in my head, by the time I finish the first line, the second starts, and the first starts over, and then so on, sometimes six or seven verses running all at the same time. It is the row row row yourboat syndrome. But I dont mind. As I said earlier, I like my mind cluttered with a lot of things.
As to claiming to be a case study: No....I said I am a labrat, I test drugs for a living, for instance tylenol is one drug I have tested, yup and viagra (I got the placebo I am sure of it!) and that one nasal spray for kids with a cold.
Plum: Um, are you suggesting I trade my life in for another? I really must be dense here, oh wait I AM dense here, because I personally like this life. I spend most of my time online, and as I start programming again, even more of my time will be online, mixed in with educating myself about religion and politics and history. I play the games I like to play, try out a few new ones, I sing (very badly), will be learning some instruments like the harp and bodhran. I draw celtic knots. Soon I will be learning tatooing, and piercing, as well as branding and other forms of scarification. I do woodworking, and will be mixing that with my celtic knots, as well as manuscript writing. I have sex here and there as I like it, I watch Aisha Tyler on E!, I eat hot dogs or steaks and a variety in between.
To use the ice cream analogy, I have tasted in my years many many flavors. I have adventured my entire life. I have lived all over this great nation and done many things, gold prospecting, working in carnivals, seen great places and met wonderful people. There are a few things more on my agenda, most of which I can do from the comfort of my home. The one last thing that I cannot do from home, is University at Dublin Trinity College in Ireland. I will be studying linguistics.
I like the entirety of my life to this point, including the painful experiences, I am thrilled to have had them. I am glad to know all those that I have known in whatever context I have known them. I am glad I know the people I know now, and where I am at now, and I will be glad to meet yet others, and with the future course of my life, regardless of whether my plans are met. Because I am just always have been in the future and in the past yet will me, glad to live.
I guess the question is, which of these flavors should I give up for someone else's flavors, because I like my freezers a whole lot sum.
Jedd: Those statements were for the future, when I attain those things. I have actually only recently decided that I needed black women to be my bodyguards. But I did make a mistake there, it is not 81, it is 19,683 of them. That is a sacred number to the celts, as are all the other numbers I listed.
However, in reference to the size of my couch, if you read the link on the celtic mindset, you will see that to the ancient, and often modern, celts, there is not much of a distance between fantasy and reality. I am as satisfied having a fantasy, even if it never comes to fruition, for the memory that exists of it is as concrete as any other memory. So my couch is as big as I need it to be.
Imbue: My current wife will be wife number one. I simply have to convince her of the benefits of her being head wife of all those women. It will be a fairly easy task I am sure.
Do Not Call Dot Org
by Hyghlandyr innow i know that many of you have most likely been to do not call dot org at they have some interesting advice there that probably everyone is familiar with.
it seems that it has great potential to be a grass roots kinda thing.
at the following link they have letters, and a sign, a body can post outside of their door, which prevents jehovahs witnesses from calling on them, under any circumstances:.
Kenneson, Ive seen that before, it is hilarious. Keep me posted with any more that you find.
Blue sapphire will do.
Do Not Call Dot Org
by Hyghlandyr innow i know that many of you have most likely been to do not call dot org at they have some interesting advice there that probably everyone is familiar with.
it seems that it has great potential to be a grass roots kinda thing.
at the following link they have letters, and a sign, a body can post outside of their door, which prevents jehovahs witnesses from calling on them, under any circumstances:.
Now I know that many of you have most likely been to Do not call dot org at They have some interesting advice there that probably everyone is familiar with. It seems that it has great potential to be a grass roots kinda thing. At the following link they have letters, and a sign, a body can post outside of their door, which prevents Jehovahs Witnesses from calling on them, under any circumstances:
Also at Cinci Apostafest yesterday dude was showing us some pretty cool bumper stickers he had designed from an online website. You can buy one or many. Of course it is also very cheap to have an entire run of such things made. Flyers of course are easy enough to simply photocopy, which is definitely cheaper and faster than using an inkjet printer.
There are lots of options fo flyers, anything from simply do not call or you are trespassing, to flyers for, to things warning about other hidden aspects of this or other high penalty religions, to simply silly things.
I myself have thought and expressed a desire for a sign that basically says one of two things or both: As long as you hide child molestors and punish people who turn them in, you are not welcome here, or as long as you practice shunning you are not welcome here. If more and more witnesses were getting explicit reasons as to why people were not listening to them, eventually a break would have to come. It's just that simple.
That means though, participation. We all have experience going door to door, which is one thing Do Not Call suggests, not to talk to people but to place the flyers. Of course we could hand out copies, either digital or printed, of the flyers to be copied and used at churches, work places, and so forth. There is a greater chance that churches would be amiacable to use such things, rather than other groups.
Another thing we discussed yesterday. Here in Cincinnati I had taken classes for Public Access Television. It is federal law that all cable systems have to allow local people time on certain channels. A specific number of channels have to be set asside for this. Some communities, like Cincinnati, pay for equipment, studio facilities, and so forth for the use of residents. Usually you have to be trained to use the equipment, and get certified. Then you may use the studio, or even check out cameras, lighting equipment, sound equipment, and other necessary things to produce your own show. Of course if you have your own equipment you may use it also.
Typically, if you use the studio's equipment, you must agree to first air your show, or A show from that production, on the particular Public Access channel in your area. After that you can sell the show if you want to, you can rent it, you can publish it on other Public Access channels in other cities (as long as a local resident from that city agrees to publish it for you, remember this is for local residents.).
I think you all see where I am heading with this. It is clear that Dateline is most likely not going to air their expose. That leaves it up to us. This would be a major production, with a lot of time and effort involved. But that time would be distributed among the lot of us who were willing to do it. I can answer a lot of questions of those that are interested, including the steps required to participate in Public Access Television. Anyone that lives in a large city should have adequate facilities available for their use. Besides that, those that have already made videos exposing the WTBTS and its methods, if they were willing, and we would have to have signed consent from them, would be able to broadcast those videos in each community locale.
Up to this point, the web, books, and some videos have been used. As well as word of mouth. Using flyers, joining with churches, and also using broadcast systems, television, radio, and live online video and audio will simply stretch the resources and the reach of the message.
Feel free to email me or respond here.
Another Weekend Poll from Ozzie
by ozziepost inyep, it's now sunday here 'downunder' and another lazy sunday has come.. after you've read the sunday papers, enjoyed a stroll down to the 'local', watched match of the day, how about doing a little poll for all you exdubs?.
today's topic: what's the most enjoyable thing you do now that you've got 'time on your hands'?.
disclaimer: apart from 'that' of course!!.
Um, other...spending 80% of my time on this couch. Adventuring was great while it lasted, but I enjoy being a hobbit, and hope to be one the rest of my unnatural life.
Hyghlandyrs Four Pillars, his Hygh Geas.
by Hyghlandyr insome of you know that i have stated i am amoral.
that means that i have no moral system.
no ethical system either.
Teejay, good points dude. hehe.
As to me being interested in myself, I think less that than that I am quite willing to express my interest in myself, whereas many others often try to come across as selfless. Ok but I perceive that we are each the centers of our collective universes, I am of mine, you are of yours. Other then our interactions here, we do not perceive the world in the same fashion and what is important to you most likely does not hold the same interest to me, or the other way around. This even despite the fact that we often all have overlapping interests.Plum: Scientologists rock. I am thinking of using some of their concepts in my various cults. Though clear wont be one of them. I wish my mind to remain as it is, very very very cluttered and active.
How do I know I am so perfectly content with whom I am or at least perceive myself to be? I dont know how I know, I just know. I am not a seeker of the reasons behind things I just accept them. How do I know I like vanilla ice cream? I dont know I just like it. Why do I like it? I dont know, I just like it. Why am I content? I dont know I just am.
As to you not believing I am content, um...hehehehe I was chucklin at that one. Ok. Good thing I dont believe you and believe myself instead. In fact I am going to ask myself. Self? Yeah Joe? Are you content? Damn straight I am. WTF You botherin me with useless questions like that for? Well see self, some chick said she didnt believe me, so I figured I could ask her opinion or yours and your opinon is more valuable to me. Ahh, very wise grasshoppa.
Do I see the rest of you as my peer group? Well we have all got one key point in common dont we? In fact that is why we are here, the very name of this board explains it. Which also answers why I am here, and that should have been a simple question for you to answer yourself. As to being other places I am very often in other places. Irish places, and pagan places and christian places and atheist places and chess places and role playing places and bondage places and computer places and cult places and fight club (from the movie) places and Angelina Jolie places and The Matrix places and software places and website places...the list of my interests goes on.
Specifically why I am here at this moment? Destiny. I was here a few months back, was not interested in posting too much, gave a brief intro and went away. A couple of weeks ago a friend had her 14th anniversary for her dfing and her kids not talking to her. I came seeking advice on what could be done to get actives talking to exes. I got a bit but not a lot that was useful. Still I happened on a thread for cincinnati apostafest. So I commented and we had it yesterday. I met some very interesting people and heard some interesting tales. Had I not come here seeking an answer I would not have met them. Thus it was and is destiny that I should be here at this moment.
As to convincing myself, I already believe these things I espouse. As to convincing you all, I have stated over and over again that I hope you can read me and keep your own opinions. A lot of you are stuck in the watchtower/christian savem/convincem mentality. You oft think that conversations are about drawing people over to your side or their side in an understanding. I am Irish. We conversate merely for the sake of conversation. We battle and we argue, we agree and we disagree, and rarely are our minds, or frankly the minds of most people, changed in a conversation. This is not about changing mind, this is about expression. You express and I express and we all learn something about each other. I can tell you that often I will not agree with you, and I know you will hardly agree with me. The preacher mentality is left to people who need converts
I need validated? You will have to define that.
I do need adoration, especially from my three wives, my seven concubines, my nine slave girls, my not for profit prophets, my deities (gods and goddesses), my followers in my cult, my worshippers, and my 81 black female nazi body gaurds.
Imbue: Please direct the Hyghlandyr is a bore/joke posts to the following thread: to running everyone out of chat? I will have to start interviewing.
Anointed Experience #2 - Contacting the FDS
by Amazing inmarge was the mother of the jw man who brought me into the jws.
she had been a jw since the early 1950s, and attended the famous 1958 international convention at yankee stadium/polo grounds in new york.
marge was a very lovely person, hospitable, kind, generous, non-judgmental, and always a faithful jw.
In the congregation in Wooster, we had five partakers. One was an elder, another a ministerial servant, another was a woman, and for the life of me, I cannot remember who the other two were.
The elder and I often talked about many things. He even showed me his collection of old literature, careful to make sure I would not be offended when I saw pictures of the bethelites celebrating Christmas. I was not, I knew they had and that the teaching changed later. It was no big deal to me.
One time we had a conversation about how the Annointed R&F FDS were able to communicate their insights that Jehovah had given them, to the GB, particularly sisters. He suggested that for instance a sister might say something out in a car group. This makes its way to the elders of her hall. Who discuss it with the COs who do with the DOs and so on up the line, it gradually makes its way into the hands of the GB who then publish it. It was amusing to speculate and of course I was in awe that Jehovah was so able to accomplish something, yet another proof that he was directly the organization.
Of course the fact is that the entire concept is a fiction and rather convoluted fiction at that. It never crossed our minds in that conversation, that had the imagined sister said something in a car group, that was contrary to current 'truth', she may well have ended up disfellowshipped.
Still, I enjoyed it at the time and do not regret the experience in the least.
Professing to the "A" Word... Sacrili...
by AGuest inmay you all have peace!.
there is a phenomenon that exists here that smacks of wtbts false propaganda and rhetoric... that i am compelled, by the spirit of my father, jah of armies, by means of his son and christ, my lord, jaheshua mischajah, to speak on it, if you will permit me.
absolutely, it is.
WOW! Well said Aguest. You have expresed the christian faith as I understand it. It seems to have a leaning towards creation centered theology, with the acceptance of the annointing from the Lord. I am keenly interested in your posts since I have really noticed them on the reparations thread, they are well put together.
I have a question and a comment along the lines of this thread. While not being a christian now, when I was a christian, I was of the understanding, that once my sins were forgive, they were eliminated. Gone. They no longer existed. They were not called to mind, nor could I ever be called to account for them. This is not to say that I could not sin in the future. However of course then I had the propitiatory sacrifice, the cross, to keep me in a countinuing cycle of sinlessness.
When I became a christian (preJW christian) I was a new creature, a new being, a cleansed, and thus sinless creature. I was as close to perfection as a human being could become, (as were all other christians btw) by virtue, not of my own actions, but by grace. Pelagius held the thought that we could live sin free. But if we did not, we still had of course grace. Which, when we did sin, simply placed us again into a sinfree condition. Almost a starting over day by day. It has been a while since I read them, but I believe Paul? said something about renewing the spirit. And this is how I took it. A constant renewing.
I was by no means a 'once saved always saved' believer. I held that you could, if you chose, reject your salvation. But sinning was not a rejection, since most (all?) do that daily. Nor did the degree of sin indicate a rejection perse. But a conscious choice to cease being a follower of the Lord.
I am curious then, as to whether this is in any way a tiny synopsis of what your faith is as well. Does being annointed, (as I was) not mean that you are then, each time, day, that you are renewed, thus sinfree?
A view into the Celtic mindset.
by Hyghlandyr inthe following is taken from the book 'western spirituality - historical roots, ecumentical routes' edited by matthew fox, chapter five 'the finest music in the world:exploring celtic spiritual legacies', by mary aileen schmiel pages 168-171.. i make no comments on the text.
it stands entirely on its own, and should give insight into my earlier posts, particularly the one on my geas.
i will note one final thing, i am not a warrior, or a poet-priest, or a fili or a drui.
Hillary! Aha! I see that you know your celtic history very very well. I did not mention those things in the post, taking that entire thing from a book, but everything you said is true. There is also a great thought among some Irish that rather than the celts moving into Ireland, they move from Ireland, out into the rest of the world. Whichs seems to be what you are saying.
I would sooooo love to see the book of kells in person. I have to hunt up some links I have that have beautifully detailed manuscripts. When I find them I will post them for you. I started drawing celtic knotwork a couple of years ago and of course it is a tedious affair. But here are some links you might be interested in if you wish to draw it yourself, and these links are for you also invisible!
Taking a look at those sites, and seeing the artwork there should give people an insight into my thinking. I am a celtic knot. :)
And especially I liked the comment about the trousers. Most people are unaware of this fact. They think because of the kilt(an anglo invention not a scottish one) that the celts were running around in skirts. We had something similar, but we also invented beautiful trousers, and of course in battle were often naked.