Yadira gets a prize too! Just because. And aint no one gonna argue with Ini Hygh about it. Is yous? Didnt think so!
JoinedPosts by Hyghlandyr
Good night Dutchie. Thank you too. Hugs and have sweet dreams.
I hope everyone found it fun. And thanks for playing along with me. I really had a hard time when I wrote my story. Then when I came home from the study it all hit the fan. I'll update yall in a couple days when I am more sure what is about to happen. But I needed some fun. Thanks yall.
Well the Prize goes to Plum and Cassiline. Plum for being fairly good at figuring me out. She was pretty decisive. I will explain the poems later. SHe was on the right track with a couple of the lines, but a bit off on others.
And Cassiline Good job. Remeber I always tell everything about me on here. Including my name, and where I am from and so forth. So when I come on and create another name, there will be little doubt that it is me. Except of course if I did something like this, but then that fun lasts a couple hours and you know it is me.
Cass if you are on yahoo right now send me a pm lass. And smoooooches for yer hard detective work. However did you find that post of mine?
And I am he who writes really really bad poetry!
BTW, LUB the catwoman look. Yummy.
Do you really think I would write such bad poetry?
Well I was not gonna respond. But I was in an El Oh El © 2002, Cygnus, All Rights Reserved, mood since I read Cygnus post. So let me hanker a guess....
Cygnus is EL OH EL
by Cygnus ini am a pretty clever guy, but i really, really, really wish i was clever enough to come up with the hilda/mystikool caricature.. now fess up, who did it?
El Oh El © 2002 Cygnus, All Rights Reserved.
I dont know that much about those two though I keep seein info on them Cygnus.
Keep me posted
Cincinnati/Columbus/Dayton Area
by Hyghlandyr inthere is going to be a press conference and candle light vigil for silent lambs in kentucky a week from tomorrow, the 24th.
that isnt too far from our neck of the woods.
i am planning on going.
Bobsgirl, I dont know who all from here wants to go. So far you are the only one that has responded to the thread. Let some of the ones you know and if I see any in chat I will tell them also. My sister hasnt contacted me yet. So I do not know if she is going or not...
Keep me posted...weve a week before it happens.