Where do you get that I cant see that child molestation is worse than adultery. That is exactly my point. That it is worse. And my second point is that the BIBLE doesnt even mention in passing that child molestation is worse than adultery, or any other crime, sin or action. The bible, supposedly from almighty god does not even provide an age of consent. In fact that is exactly my contention that if it were truly from an almighty loving god who felt the need to condemn, homosexuality, adultery, fornication, bestiality, and other forms of sexual congress, that it would in fact have provided an age of consent and stated in amidst all those other forms of forbidden sex that child sex was forbidden. But it did not.
Notice I said I do not need the bible to tell me or the watchtower or anyone else that child molestation is wrong. Because I know it is wrong period without the misguided steps of some ancient, backwater, people who often married children. And I am not surprised when a bible believer doesn't believe it is wrong, if that bible believer bases their entire life on that worthless piece of trash. Why is it a piece of trash? Again because it did not see fit to provide an age of consent so that its followers would not molest kids or marry kids!
I suggest you read my story. Then combine that story with my statement there and you will see that as I said in my last post on this thread
But the bible does not mention molestation at all. In fact that is the main reason I reject the bible. Assuming the child was married at 8, 9, 10, 11 or older, but was still a child, the bible does not condemn it.Notice I said that is the very reason I reject the bible, because it does not mention molestation at all.
It is similar to the ex witnesses decrying that the witnesses disfellowship women who are raped. Putting them under the microscope in a judicial meeting. That is right, it is repugnant that they do that. But then where do they get it? From the equally repugnant law in the Torah that required a woman to be stoned if she was raped and did not scream out, if she was married. Of course a better fate awaited her unengaged comrad who was raped, she could only be forced to marry her rapist, and never get a divorce from him, if her father so chose. This along with the fact that child rape is not even mentioned, including child rape, legalized, by the marraige of the child to an adult, and the bible's silence on the issue of sex crimes, while all other nations had strict laws favoring the victim and not the abuser, are my main reasons for rejecting the bible, its writers, and its god, completely and out of hand.
I will go with the Irish laws, and spiritual procedures, where a rapist, of a child or an adult woman, were either summarily executed, or shunned by all of the society. Yes DFing does have its place, for those that would do these heineous crimes. Too bad the writers of the bible didn't think that way.