I read ATJ's post and I can related to it, as it describes almost perfectly my feelings upon becoming an elder and later a CO. I tend to agree with him on his opinions. Of course not in everything.But I don't have a problem with that.
What's interesting is the way Styxx starts his post. See, I have this rule by which, when someone starts witha desclaimer, I think that person is about to do or say the exact thing he's saying he won't: "I'm not saying that you..."; I'm not comparing you to...". He starts by saying: "But I don’t want to single him out because..."
And then he devotes a few paragraphs precisely to doing that: single out ATJ as the cause of all suffering. Funny, because he also admits that ATJ did apologize for such behavior. So what else do you want? AH, Bad karma!
So what's the point Styxx? You gonna go after a guy who had the guts to leave, change his point of view, admit it publicly and voluntarily? Why don't you go and say all that to elders currenty serving, who are RIGHT NOW doing what you despise so much?
SO, to put in perspective, ATJ just said "I did this and that, should've known better, I regret it, I apologize"; Then Styxx comes and tries to beat him and wish bad karma on him. When he shows the nuts to go and tell that to a couple of active elders, then I'll listen.
I want to add, I've read a lot of nonesense in this thread. You guys really believe someone who is younger can't give you advise?Is that your wide-open vision of life: I'm older, so I know better? Your best argument against Styxx is that at 19 he joined a cult? Last time I checked, this place is full of people who, at one point in their lives 'joined the cult'.