awildflower: That's why I said I'm in love with your picture. Now that I know it is you, I can say I'm in love with you (and ready for cyber-porneia).
Jokes aside, your smart comments is what makes you sexy.
so it appears that jws are letting their freaky side come out on fb for everyone to see.. there was talk on the ca yesterday strongly warning all true lovers of jehovah to delete their fb accounts.
the talk was solely about fb.
the speaker mentioned that jws are associating with people that would not associate with in real life, often using the excuse that the person is a relative.
awildflower: That's why I said I'm in love with your picture. Now that I know it is you, I can say I'm in love with you (and ready for cyber-porneia).
Jokes aside, your smart comments is what makes you sexy.
so it appears that jws are letting their freaky side come out on fb for everyone to see.. there was talk on the ca yesterday strongly warning all true lovers of jehovah to delete their fb accounts.
the talk was solely about fb.
the speaker mentioned that jws are associating with people that would not associate with in real life, often using the excuse that the person is a relative.
awildflower: I've been holding back for a while but your last comment just did it: I'm in love with your picture.
although a cult, jehovah's witnesses should not be underestimated as to their smarts.
sometimes, exiting jw's, due to indoctrination, feel a lot of guilt for leaving.
of course, the governing body wouldn't have it any other way.. upon leaving, many for the first time feel a freedom to express themselves, which is as it should be.
I once said I'm with Bill Maher on this one: Religions should say "We don't know" more often. The problems arise from Opinions and INTERPRETATIONS presented as facts.
For the sake of illustrating:
JW's find in Revelation a "Crowd no one could count", and then a group of 144K, and they INTERPRET, deduct, conclude, infer that the number must be literal. Ok. That's fine. They have the right to believe that. Maybe they are right! Problem is they present it as a FACT, and base the entire religion on that 'fact', and 2/3 of their doctrine revolves around that 'fact'. Same for 'Generation', same for "1914"... you name it.
If they were honest and objective, or at least less opinionated, they could say 'maybe', 'we are not sure' or simply, 'hell, we don't know'.
Why do they have to give a verdict on EVERYTHING? Why do we need to know what Jesus meant when he said 'Generation? Why do we need to know if those going to heaven as kings and priest will be 144,000 or 12 or a million? What difference does it make if people from Sodom and Gomorrah will be resurrected or not? WHO CARES? Will it make a difference on the basic two commandments and in your perspectives of being saved?
don't think i have ever seen a picture of her.
check this out: .
More important: why would anybody pay $27 for a picture of them.
so it appears that jws are letting their freaky side come out on fb for everyone to see.. there was talk on the ca yesterday strongly warning all true lovers of jehovah to delete their fb accounts.
the talk was solely about fb.
the speaker mentioned that jws are associating with people that would not associate with in real life, often using the excuse that the person is a relative.
Shopaholic: Thanks for the update. When I was a CO they didin't. But what you say fits the general trend: More control. In my days we would make our own talks (except the Public Talk on Sundays). But little by little they started to supply us with outlines, 'unity' being the reason.
we have 3 missionaries for sure and lots of bethelites.
i was a permanent volunteer for a year in the branch in mexico.
oh and we have one gb member :-).
so it appears that jws are letting their freaky side come out on fb for everyone to see.. there was talk on the ca yesterday strongly warning all true lovers of jehovah to delete their fb accounts.
the talk was solely about fb.
the speaker mentioned that jws are associating with people that would not associate with in real life, often using the excuse that the person is a relative.
Last time I checked Society does not provide an outline for the pioneers meeting, so that CO was making up that crap (however, I have no doubt the GB would make such stupid recommendation). "The time would be better spent out in service"... and the money would be better spent sending it to the WTS! i would add.
Times have changed; in our cong even some of the ol' ladies that pioneer have smartphones and use them (two of them have iphones!).
I think the crisis will be sooner that that.
the jw's annual report has lots of numbers to consider, but this one is probably the most misquoted and misrepresented by them.. 1, 500, 000, 000 hours in the field (note: that's time in the field, not talking to interested ones).
now, they can write their own rules on how to fill out a field service report.
door to door - 8 hours (480 minutes) using the 'dissed rule' of 10% that's 48 minutes of actual talking in the field per month.
Not only more 'down to earth'. He really believed. He was as honest and sincere as you will ever see. His mantra was this is an organization based on love, and love thinks good of fellow christians, love believes all things, love does not second guess... he hated the permanent suspicion state within WT.
Larson has always been more of an executive but really talented (unlike Knorr who came across as a businessman, but was just a micromanager with a bad temper). Had the key been Henschel-Larson instead of Knorr-Franz, the story would be different. But as usual the former were less inclined to do corporate politics, and the latter gained total control easily. I've Know Larson personally for a while and most people at Bethel will attest to the fact that even though he's in charge, he will never mistreat, be bossy or make you feel inadequate or undeserving.
so it appears that jws are letting their freaky side come out on fb for everyone to see.. there was talk on the ca yesterday strongly warning all true lovers of jehovah to delete their fb accounts.
the talk was solely about fb.
the speaker mentioned that jws are associating with people that would not associate with in real life, often using the excuse that the person is a relative.
These guys have to be real morons. People wanting sex, will have sex. Yes, you can have sex with FB Chat. You can also have 'phone-sex'... now go, cancel your AT&T account, get rid of that phone. They haven't realized this is 2010, not 1945. You can have all the sex you want: Virtual, cyber, real... you pick. Closing accounts, getting rid of computers and gadgets will do no good.
Just like Jesus said about pharisees: They forgot about comforting and building up people's spirituality, and became all about controlling and condemning them.
the jw's annual report has lots of numbers to consider, but this one is probably the most misquoted and misrepresented by them.. 1, 500, 000, 000 hours in the field (note: that's time in the field, not talking to interested ones).
now, they can write their own rules on how to fill out a field service report.
door to door - 8 hours (480 minutes) using the 'dissed rule' of 10% that's 48 minutes of actual talking in the field per month.
dissed: "If there was no time reporting, would they even go out in service? I dare the GB to drop the slips.....double dare....the cowards would never do it"
Henschel wanted to drop time reporting. Nixing the "Bible Study" report slip wa s his idea (as well and getting rid of one meeting, although he had TMS in mind, not BS. He also wanted two magazines a month (one of each). As you can guess he was not well liked by many of his peers at the GB. As for the tiem slips, accoding to my sources back then, he wanted an "anonymous" reporting system, only with hours and bible studies. That way congregations and WT would now how many publishers there were, how much work was being done while eliminating labels (irregular, inactive) and all the nuisances caused by time keeping. He thought reporting placed literature was very 'salesman' oriented and didn't like it. He always said (and I heard him once) that since we print them, we know how many are being distributed... why make people report 'sales'?