Retail, minimum wage.
JoinedPosts by villabolo
What does honesty and integrity mean to you?
by lisavegas420 inthat was an interview question that was asked me today.
my answer was: "doing the right thing, because it's the right thing to do.".
how would you have answered the question?.
What does honesty and integrity mean to you?
by lisavegas420 inthat was an interview question that was asked me today.
my answer was: "doing the right thing, because it's the right thing to do.".
how would you have answered the question?.
This is what it meant to me. I and this other security guard were working at a place (very well known) where disbursing valuable checks was part of our job description. If one of those checks went missing there'd be hell to pay. This other guard would leave the checks abandoned on the desk along with the keys to the building and a thousand dollar radio. I would politely tell him to keep them more secure but he refused even up to the point where the restroom keys and the checks were kept in the same drawer unlocked with the employees of the building being trained by this security guard to just walk into the desk space, open the drawer and take the restroom key inches away from a manila envelope full of checks up to six digits in value.
I had to report this guard to management and our hierarchy and they told me not to worry about it. The situation remained the same and a check was finally lost and management acted like it was unimportant. I kept reporting to them though, that there was something wrong. Next thing I know I am demoted from that position with both managers(I was accountable to two hierarchies) ridiculing me whenever they passed me by. The bottom line was that the other guard was better connected and was telling them God knows what.
At that point I decided to write out a report and go over my bosses heads in explaining the situation. I knew what was going to happen next, an idiotic interview by corporate security and termination. So I was terminated.
It is ironic but when I think back on that I am reminded of that "kingdom song" that goes "but as for me, determined I shall be, to walk eternally in my integrity"
That is what honesty and integrity meant for me knowing that I was going to suffer for doing the right thing but doing it anyway and I actually brought that up at a job interview.
A very good video series on why the Jehovah's Witnesses are so illicitly corrupt of an organization
by Homerovah the Almighty inthis video series on you-tube is one of the better ones explaining the decisive corruption of the organization.
and how people are treated by the organization when they are just simply seeking the truth.. its bit long winded at times but the speakers get directly to the point and makes things quite clear.. the people commenting are all ex-jws of course but they were very close to the higher levels of the organization.. have a watch and listen and see what you think for yourself.......hta.
JWs versus born agains. Fundamentalists are each others worse enemies.
Governing body member comments about new anointed
by Kosonen in
i listened to the talk of samuel herd, a governing body member.
he says something like, many new anointed are real trouble-makers in the congregations.
"But if only the GB are anointed, where will they get new recruits when the old ones kick the bucket. The WTS says they will always be anointed on the earth when the end comes too."
From trusted members of the Great Crowd who will be declared "anointed" by virtue of their entry into the GB.
Governing body member comments about new anointed
by Kosonen in
i listened to the talk of samuel herd, a governing body member.
he says something like, many new anointed are real trouble-makers in the congregations.
I think the GB might claim in the future that the anointed are limited to the Governing Body itself with no "real" anointed outside of it.
The things you'd wished that you had said to a JW smartass.......
by jambon1 inone day as we were leaving the kh on a sunday, my jw group overseer (who was a right sanctimonious ba****d).
was standing at the f**king door.
he said 'bye now, pay later'.
Now that I am out of the Lie I have had plenty of opportunities to tell them what I think but I rarely have. I've thought of the following though:
"You are not, never were, and never shall be the TRUTH!" or if I'm really ticked off by someone in the religion that I consider hopeless, "You're a baby killing, child excomunicating, Jesus raping, God defecating religion!"
That may sound cruel and harsh but some people are hopeless and evil.
With regards to sunbathing making the skin of Homo Sapiens darker let me explain the following. Pale skinned people who are subject to intensive sunlight tend to get skin cancer. Therefore through natural selection those who have higher levels of melanin in their skin have a higher survival rate. It"s basic evolution and there's nothing racist about it.
I did not mean to take the word "sunbathing" literal hence the quotes. I was referring to prolonged exposure to the sun as part of a lifestyle.
As far as evolution is concerned "sunbathing" is what made their skins black in the first place.
Go take a look and then tell us which house you would want to liv ein
by Lady Lee inweird houses.
give the 8 houses a look and let us know which one you would be willing to live in.. i wil only say house #1 looks cool enough to live in and if #5 is a series of connected rooms that could be interesting.
#4 is a trip.
Lady Lee and Elsewhere:
Click under eco-dome/vaulted home
Fundie Dominionism
by rebel8 indominionism and anthropocentrism: i think those 2 words sum up much of what i hate about the world.. i've been thinking of this a lot lately, with politicians ignoring separation of church and state, and just abusing the earth and animals out of some sense of entitlement.. then i saw lady lee's thread, "the marital due", and i realized dubbish thinking extends dominionism to women's bodies as well.
their bodies are the property of the husbands, to do with what they wish, with no regard for anyone else's needs or wants.. when you think about it, dubs are some of the most extreme proponents of these concepts.
don't bother with conservation; jehoopla and his staff of avian janitors will clean it up.
Thank you Rebel8 for bringing up the subject. Dominionism is the most dangerous version of fundamentalist Christianity. Regular fundamentalist have a pie in the sky view of their religion and at one time tended to shy away from politics or getting involved deeply in society.
Now we have dominionism and the difference between them and regular fundamentalists is like the difference between regular cocaine and crack cocaine. They're not going to be raptured up away from this evil world. They're going to stay on this miserable earth so they better make the best of it and that means converting it to a full blown theocracy so they could hand it over to Christ.
A perfect example of a dominionist theocracy can be found in Margaret Atwoods book The Handmaids Tale available also as a video. Very good read.