"the law allows private investigators to monitor individuals very closely"
steve2, private investigators have to be licensed.
several ex-elders, bethelites, ministerial servants, the rank and files of ex-jws on this site are writing about being stalked, harrassed, having their homes peeped through, car broken into while others such as gubberningbody, reports of recieving unsolicited calls from kh elders from another congregation.
the numerous stories are very troubling.
although some members have denied this existance of this lllegal activity, the underlying question continues to puzzle our minds: is wts behind stalking, espisonage and harrassment of ex-jws?
"the law allows private investigators to monitor individuals very closely"
steve2, private investigators have to be licensed.
anyway, i can't get "i'll go no more a-rovin'" out of my head.... .
mark well what i do say,.
- i'll go no more a ro -oovin' with you, fair maid!.
Yes, I do get them stuck in my head but I change the words. For example;
(Sung to the tune of myriads and myriads of brothers)
Millions and millions of idiots
All wearing their dunce caps
Their everlasting bulls**t
Pelting us day and night
And then there is this one sung to the tune of we're Jehovah's witnesses. Forgive my lack of song writing skills.
We make gods of pulp and print
but of truth we have no hint
Such is our Jehovah
Demon god of old...
Other gods are deaf and dumb
Ours is blind as well you see...
We're Jehovah's witlesses
We speak out in mindlesness
Ours is the god of false prophecy
What he foretells comes to naught
several ex-elders, bethelites, ministerial servants, the rank and files of ex-jws on this site are writing about being stalked, harrassed, having their homes peeped through, car broken into while others such as gubberningbody, reports of recieving unsolicited calls from kh elders from another congregation.
the numerous stories are very troubling.
although some members have denied this existance of this lllegal activity, the underlying question continues to puzzle our minds: is wts behind stalking, espisonage and harrassment of ex-jws?
Reniaa, I was not an elder but I did overhear a conversation between two ministerial servant laying out plans on surveying sister so and so's house. As far as your stating that elders don't have the time please realize that disfellowshipping is one percent per annum according to Watchtower statistics. That averages to one per congregation with an average of 100 publishers. They have to make the time in order to follow the two witness rule.
interesting cartoon about jehovah's witnesses beliefs regarding armageddon.. jesus not only wears a cape, but he blows up the earth.
great scene when jesus hits the arm of his throne in anger.
go ahead punk ... make my day.. .
"Why doesn't Jesus just poof the wicked away, why destroy everything and be so dramatic?"
I guess it's for the same reason Mr Yahweh decided to piss on the earth. They are both such drama queens.
any of you remember what was exactly the first thing that crossed your eyeballs to lead you into doubting the wts?.
I was already having doubts before because of their self glorification but the Jan 1st (?) 1979 watchtower on disfellowshipping people for joining the YMCA stands out.
i really don't understand some people's fear of president obama.
from the accusations that he's a closet socialist, closet muslim, to he's going to take everyone's guns, there seems to be a fair few who are either paranoid, fearful of anyone not exactly like them, or just plain stupid.. so here's the latest: backwards masking.
personally i hear "ec u say", but some bozos hear "thank you satan".
"That's ridiculous. Someone has too much time on his hands"
You are right StAnn, SAtnn, SAtnn, SAtnn ................................
well- this sad news of the girl being murdered and raped in tracy , california motivated me today to leave ap news releases of the wt child abuse out of court settlements of 16 jw victims in car windshields today of jw's who had gone out in field service.
for what it's worth i went to 3 different kingdom halls in 2 towns.
left about 8 on different cars at one kingdom hall, and 5 at another and 7 at another.. you just never know what may happen.
Flipper, look out for JWs posted as guards out in the parking lot, while the meeting is in progress.
I once sent my cousin (non JW) to a meeting to ask for a copy of the WT and, as he was taking a shortcut through the parking lot he was confronted by one of the brothers asking him what he was doing.
If you keep doing that more power to you but just keep an eye out. Also it would not be a bad idea to have a tape recorder on you. I know it sounds paranoid but it could come in handy if you are assaulted.
several ex-elders, bethelites, ministerial servants, the rank and files of ex-jws on this site are writing about being stalked, harrassed, having their homes peeped through, car broken into while others such as gubberningbody, reports of recieving unsolicited calls from kh elders from another congregation.
the numerous stories are very troubling.
although some members have denied this existance of this lllegal activity, the underlying question continues to puzzle our minds: is wts behind stalking, espisonage and harrassment of ex-jws?
It's been almost 30 years since I've been out of the Witnesses but I live in a neighborhood full of them. One fine day I was having engine problem with a bit of smoke coming out. I was parked in the alley where one of the sisters was watching me. She turned her nose up at me in disgust with the type of look you would give someone who just defecated in public. Within a minute one of the brothers is running towards my car with a cell phone pointed at me. He was running from cover to cover as if to hide himself while taking pictures of my smoking car.
No, that is not stalking, which we all know they do when they hide behind the bushes overnight in order to catch Sister/Brother so and so fornicating. But it's part of their police state mentality.
if you were not a jehovah's witness, how would your life have been different?.
I would probably be a Paleoanthropologist blowing off dust from Neanderthal bones.
considering the way the wbts controls and manipulates people in its mental grip, is it logical to compare it to the the infamous german nazi party?
is this an exageration?
what parallel can be drawn between the two?
Inkling, the wiki article on Godwins Law states in part: "The rule does not make any statement about whether any particular reference or comparison to Adolf Hitler or the Nazis might be appropriate, but only asserts that one arising is increasingly probable"
In other words the sum total of humanity, having a tendency to exagerate does not mean that some of them are not right on in applying the Nazi comparison. Remember the Mormons in the 19th century. They killed their apostates.
Amazing, I was pretty precise about stating that JWs would not do any thing unless they had the power and SOVEREIGN TERRITORY. As far as far as claiming that only a few JWs would support such atrocities pray tell what makes JWs different than German civilians of WWII?