A good question to ask is how are we going to pay for the social programs?
A better question to ask is how come we can send a man to the moon but we can't fix stupid?
please, please, please let the libertarians, republicans and their offshoot the tea party, run on this issue.
oh my heavens what a joy it would be to line up all the runners and tell half of the americans - the vast majority of those who actually live on their social security, that they want to take it away.
abolish it.
A good question to ask is how are we going to pay for the social programs?
A better question to ask is how come we can send a man to the moon but we can't fix stupid?
please, please, please let the libertarians, republicans and their offshoot the tea party, run on this issue.
oh my heavens what a joy it would be to line up all the runners and tell half of the americans - the vast majority of those who actually live on their social security, that they want to take it away.
abolish it.
And everlasting
please, please, please let the libertarians, republicans and their offshoot the tea party, run on this issue.
oh my heavens what a joy it would be to line up all the runners and tell half of the americans - the vast majority of those who actually live on their social security, that they want to take it away.
abolish it.
Well mindmelda, et. el.,
Not everything about the health care law is bad. One good thing is this, there are millions of people in this country who don't have health insurance because they are self employed and/or work under the table. Right now they are jumping for joy because they think some else is going to pay for their insurance premiums. They are in for a shock.
Those who have not filed income taxes, or understated their earnings or don't pay social security taxes will be in for one @#%$ of a shock when they find out that IRS is going to force them to catch up on their taxes (if they own a home, they will become ex-homeowners unless they have the money to pay back taxes and late fees) and on top of that they will still have to buy health insurance (universal isn't free) and the coverage will suck.
But hey, enjoy the party now while the beer is still cold.
please, please, please let the libertarians, republicans and their offshoot the tea party, run on this issue.
oh my heavens what a joy it would be to line up all the runners and tell half of the americans - the vast majority of those who actually live on their social security, that they want to take it away.
abolish it.
I'm at work on break and in a hurry so I'm not being careful about my spelling, sorry.
Every single poll that is legit indicates that as of right now, the Republicans are going to sweep the fall elections in a fashon that will make 1994 look like nothing. Of course a lot can happen in the next 6 months but the democrats are the ones in fear right now. Of course you can pretend that this is not the case, not that I care mind you, but my gut tells me that the dems will get thrashed so completly that all we are going to hear from the dems is that the elections were rigged.
And why do I say this? Because those who actuall pay the bills are pissed off royally. Those who are out of work are totally pissed off. And those who have kids who will have to pay back the debt that the dems are giving us are completly pissed off.
please, please, please let the libertarians, republicans and their offshoot the tea party, run on this issue.
oh my heavens what a joy it would be to line up all the runners and tell half of the americans - the vast majority of those who actually live on their social security, that they want to take it away.
abolish it.
Of course I support you right to freedom of thought, however I'm a member so that means I know what I'm talking about.
please, please, please let the libertarians, republicans and their offshoot the tea party, run on this issue.
oh my heavens what a joy it would be to line up all the runners and tell half of the americans - the vast majority of those who actually live on their social security, that they want to take it away.
abolish it.
Sounds to me like you don't know what you are talking about. There is very little actual fact in your comment above. Sorry to be so blunt.
please, please, please let the libertarians, republicans and their offshoot the tea party, run on this issue.
oh my heavens what a joy it would be to line up all the runners and tell half of the americans - the vast majority of those who actually live on their social security, that they want to take it away.
abolish it.
My friends, I'm a member of my local 9-12 project and attended a tea party just last night (3/30/10). There were several canidates for governor (one of them will be the next governor of PA), a Lt. Governor canidate and the very likely next congressional member from my district. The event was televised and professionally run.
So, If you want to know anything about what the teabaggers think or are running on, feel free to ask a member (which happens to be ME).
By the way, I'm on the republican primary ballot as a canidate for county committee. I would have never in a 1000 years considered such a move if it were not for the tea party. Also, my wife and two teen age kids marched on Wash DC last Sept 12. If you would like to know exactly what happened there from someone who actually was there, feel free to ask me. Or, you could rely on CNN and think you know what the tea party is all about, your choice. By the way, last night the tea party didn't give the republicans a pass during the Q and A session. This may come as a surprise to you.
One thing that you should know about the state of our country. We are on target to go bankrupt in the near future. Reardless of where you stand on social security, once we go belly up, no one will collect their SS checks.
Take care,
On edit: I don't intend to offend anyone here. But let me say this, I believe that one of the positive effects from my perspective on the WT not allowing members to vote is that I believe that if it were not for the WT and left to their own judgement, most JWs would vote for liberal democratic canidates. Again, not to offend, but look at the demographic.
i am dating an advent christian (very similar to baptist).
i went to church with him for the first time yesterday.
i was pleased that he wanted me there because it's nice to be included in things that are meaningful to him.
What you describe is very typical of most protestant church services. I go to an Evangelical Free church which is "baptistic" in many ways.
I have a question about something you said:
The padded pews were comfortable and allowed for sitting closely with family. The church was decorated in a very simple and dignified manner. Nothing like the hideous décor that KHs are designed with. There were Bibles and hymnals available at all the seats. I don't think anyone would mind if someone just sat and read from the Bible throughout the service. There was no need to feel left out or go to a special service counter to get the materials needed for the service. There was no need to purchase materials (through donation or otherwise) and lug them back and forth from your home.
Explain to me about JWs buying items for the service. What do you buy, how much and how often.
Any church that I would attend, most of the attendees would bring a Bible with them to church. They can bring any translation they want (as long as it isn't a NWT ). We of course don't buy our Bibles from the church. Also, Bibles and hymn books are right at the pew. No one owns their own hynmal and if you don't have a Bible or if you don't want to lug your own Bible to church you can use theirs.
My Sunday school class is using a book that is available at any christian bookstore. We don't have to have this book but at the beginning of the class those who wanted to own it could buy it from the teacher. They bought them in bulk and at a discount. They were sold at cost.
They totally ignore the fact that the Bible teaches salvation by grace (of God), a free gift, not by works. The WT salvation system is totally works based.
I consider myself Baptist although I attend an Evangelical Free Church. While I don't know everything, I believe that the message on the sign has more meaning to Baptist than non-believers. Speaking for myself, I have materials and study many different faith systems including JWs.
I don't think it's a good idea to read Anton LaVey but I don't fear reading the scriptures and writings of other religions. If the Bible is true (which I believe it is), it can stand up to the competition. So too should my doctrine. One of the hallmarks of being a Baptist is "individual soul liberty". But just because I believe it, doesn't make it true (as with all things).
The message on the sigh goes to the concept that without the Holy Spirit and the unchanging Word of God, man cannot know the truth of the things of God. The key word is unchanging. This is where the WT runs into trouble.