Hi srappy,
I was like you. Totally upholding any and all beleifs.
I decided to strengthen my faith and knowledge regarding our stand on blood as I faced major surgery.
My study, was to help me explain to the surgeon our beliefs and avoid blood.
What I learned, the real facts about blood and the socitey's history, on this and other subjects truley shocked me, as a loyal member, former pioneer and MS
That was last year and now I no longer consider myself any part of it. I am sad because it was a great hope, but now I realize just a pipe dream and a very selfish one.
I also learnt that a former member of our governing body left the fold and wrote an expose of the religion, which was an eye opening and life changing read. Also two other members of the same group have dubious sexual histories. And they are governig body supposedly being used by God and feeding us with accurate knowledge.
I could go on and on with examples, but it means nothing untill you realize yourself you are being duped. And it is, a rude awakening.