If I am correct, at the end of the Mayan calendar, it would reset. Is this not similar to our calendar on December 31st every year??
Also, Is it NOT true that we would NOT know the day and hour of the end? December 21, 2012 is widely known as a possible end of world date.
I think the polar caps switching polarity may be more significant than any end of time speculation. Our sun will be at the center of the Milky way, which happens once every 26k years or so. Considering the possible age (several billion years) of our universe, this may be considered a frequent occurence.
The thought of Obama being the anti-christ is truly incredible to me. He being the savior???? It is hard to perform worse than the last administration. I say this as a ultra-conserative.
I do not agree completely with the path forward, but it is agressive and very pro-active. Stem-cells reasearch IMO is GREAT..........Ending a war that should have NEVER been started, INCREDIBLE!!
Many people are enamored with him because of his speaking ability. ..again, the last individual has a best of tape hich has many oratorical mishaps. I can think of MANY elders that could give great speaches without a teleprompter. Actually more powerfull and commanding.
Anti-christ?? The very thought IMO is mindless. (but that is just MY OPINION)