kent - do you know anyone who cares about george benson being a witness?
did you know that the jass musican george benson is a jw?.
kent - do you know anyone who cares about george benson being a witness?
i'm 18 and my boyfriend is 16 and an active jw.i'm a baptist and very stong in my belief and love of boyfriend and i haven't been together that long but were very serious and plan on getting married (when the time is right).we both know that we have no intentions of raising our children jw but as baptist and he tells me that he wants to get out of jw but right now its very hard for him because he still lives with his parents and his mother and oldest sister are very active jw.and i understand all that its just that because i love him so much i want to understand about his life and the way he was raised and what he was raised to believe but hes made it very clear that he doesnt want to explain it or talk about it hes told me some stuff but very little.i'm just wondering about their beliefs and what the jw's have to say about us dating and just any information anyone can provide!!!
!thank-you very much!!!!
The WT has some extreme defects that others do not, yet they have some commendable teachings and accomplishments.
what if the commendable teachings and accomplishments
aren't as extreme as the defects?
what's the ratio between the two?
imho i would not be allowing to wide a margin for defect
and having people believing in their (wtbts)
commendable teachings and accomplishments
seems at the very core of the
wtbts brainwash strategy
to me
commendable teachings and accomplishments
the plan (brainwash/indoctrination) won't work without those factors built into the equation
why else would they be in there?
for our benefit?
the fact that one cant see it
the fact that one can't see that because of that
is what makes it so brilliant
ones belief in that statement is proof that the commendable teachings and accomplishments angle works brilliantly within the framework of the wtbts brainwash/indoctrination facilitation program
to perpetuate
their (wtbts's) worldwide literature sales & real estate acquisition based dictatorial power regime
it seems to me
that the whole wtbts regime falls apart without the commendable teachings and accomplishments facade
it seems to me that no ones gonna buy (the wtbts)if it doesn't taste a little sweet
while-ever one is swallowing the spoonful of commendable teachings and accomplishments sugar they are allowing the
the poison (all evidence to the contrary) to go down
in the most delightful way.
Edited by - ICHING on 23 March 2001 8:16:33
Edited by - ICHING on 23 March 2001 8:29:25
Edited by - ICHING on 23 March 2001 8:30:43
i'm 18 and my boyfriend is 16 and an active jw.i'm a baptist and very stong in my belief and love of boyfriend and i haven't been together that long but were very serious and plan on getting married (when the time is right).we both know that we have no intentions of raising our children jw but as baptist and he tells me that he wants to get out of jw but right now its very hard for him because he still lives with his parents and his mother and oldest sister are very active jw.and i understand all that its just that because i love him so much i want to understand about his life and the way he was raised and what he was raised to believe but hes made it very clear that he doesnt want to explain it or talk about it hes told me some stuff but very little.i'm just wondering about their beliefs and what the jw's have to say about us dating and just any information anyone can provide!!!
!thank-you very much!!!!
Edited by - ICHING on 23 March 2001 8:0:28
in a post below i noticed that your posted was edited twice:.
: i hope this helps you make your decision.. :i-ching.
: edited by - fred hall on 22 march 2001 15:41:40. : edited by - iching on 22 march 2001 15:47:44. care to explain what happened here?
fark - re: fred hall etc.
i wasnt really trying to trick any newbies - i was just really stoned and was trying out what i'd seen others do as illustrated above.
though i do know that if you are a schizo poster you do have to be careful about your sign offs etc.
ie. sign on as one of your personalities and sign off as another one of your personalities.
the cut and paste/insert of other users handles seems to be a good way to cover your tracks/muddy the waters if schizo posting is your bag.
am i really telling you anything new?
Edited by - ICHING on 22 March 2001 22:50:43
Edited by - ICHING on 22 March 2001 22:55:49
Edited by - ICHING on 22 March 2001 23:5:23
in a post below i noticed that your posted was edited twice:.
: i hope this helps you make your decision.. :i-ching.
: edited by - fred hall on 22 march 2001 15:41:40. : edited by - iching on 22 march 2001 15:47:44. care to explain what happened here?
in a post below i noticed that your posted was edited twice:.
: i hope this helps you make your decision.. :i-ching.
: edited by - fred hall on 22 march 2001 15:41:40. : edited by - iching on 22 march 2001 15:47:44. care to explain what happened here?
hi farkel - no need for concern - i'll never be as brilliant as some of the posters here - ie yourself etc.
the fred hall thing - yea just fooling around with the cut and paste.
though i do find the schizophrenia on this board/multiple posters etc most amusing -
keep it up fark - you're a champ -
ps apologies for any confusion caused.
Edited by - ICHING on 22 March 2001 22:23:39
i'm an unbaptised publisher at the moment and next month i'm thinking of doing the amount of hours that a pioneer does.
do you lot reckon it would be worthwhile for me to do it?
or should it stick with the usual 5 hours a month?
ak - in answer to your question - it depends on what your goals are - if your goal is to gain the approval & acceptance of yourself by the congregation - then yes pioneer - in fact this is the only way you will gain their acceptance and approval - there are heavenly benefits as well:
you will also be approved and accepted by god, because even though the JW's claim to be a christian faith and despite the fact that jesus died to fulfill the mosaic law and bring an end to the arrangement whereby a relationship with him was entirely dependant upon ones fulfillment of that law - the JW's still maintain that salvation is dependant upon works.
the reason for the wtbts claiming that salvation is still dependant on works is this - no magazines would get sold otherwise and the wtbts would go broke - also the guys that are running the wtbts would lose their all expenses paid life on easy street - and control over their dictatorial regime.
so if you wanna end up living in poverty to ensure that the GB don't - then yes - pioneer - you may at a later date also want to becoma a missionary - you will then be viewed by the brotherhood as a virtual demi god within their ranks - get to travel to foreign lands - contract some rare form of debilitating disease - and generate a lot more magazine placements - hence revenue - for the wtbts - until the disease renders you an invalid and useless to the wtbts.
every month you will fill in your field service report slip - you may not be aware of this but spirituality can be measured and the monthly field sevice report slip is the instrument that measures this.
if your placements are down (ie. wtbts income generated) then so is your spirituality.
all indiviual field service reports are tallied and sent to the guys who run the wtbts - these tallies are logged into their computer system which in turn is networked to the one in gods office located on the planet Pleides.
At any given moment god can pull your record up on the system and check your account - if your account is in the black - ie you've
put in five hours this month - than god owes you various blessings - yes god ends up owing you favours if you go out in the field - he is obligated to then pull some strings for you - get you out of tight spots etc. - you can also trade sins against your account - as long as you don't go into the red your OK - that is - you can backslide as long as you keep your account in credit - by going out in the field god owes you - thats the bottom line.
let me describe this concept to you in another way - it's comparable to when you were at school - and the teacher has this a poster up on the wall with every kid in the classes name on it - every time a kid behaves or is good he gets a star put beside his name on th poster.
god works in a similar way - every time you go out in the field (being good - behaving) - the guys running the wtbts tell god - god then puts a star beside your name on his big poster in heaven - by building up stars for yourself on gods poster - god becomes indebted to you and owes you favours/blessings.
one problem with this system though is that it is non accumalitive - god likes to run his shop on a strictly thirty day account basis - kind of like a commercial activity - funny coincidence that.
so lets say for arguments sake you were a missionary for thirty years
you're credit account with god (what he owes you) is really no greater than the amount of hours you've put in that month.
however you may need to remember that any disagreements with the wtbts you may have cannot be used in exchange for a sin debit against your account. that is despite a potential lifetime of service you may give to generating income for the wtbts via selling magazines for them - this will not in any way gain any sanction for you in a situation where you disagree with the wtbts.
this is probably the most important thing you need to know about being a pioneer.
i hope this helps you make your decision.
Edited by - ICHING on 22 March 2001 15:41:40
Edited by - ICHING on 22 March 2001 15:47:44
Edited by - ICHING on 23 March 2001 0:48:12
do they really believe in armaggeddon?.
i thought i would kick of my prescence here by starting a thread!.
do the governing body really believe that armaggeddon is just around the corner?.
as long as you don't believe it rick, that's the most important thing.
hl giancula,.
the signs and wonders that jehovah gave us, added to the bible writings completes the bible's outline directed to us.
by using the animals representing certain people it just makes it easier to understand jehovah's direction.. besides this, the number 144,000 stands alone with its exact numbeerrneeded in heaven.
bruce what do you mean by this:
As far as other members of the 144,000 having their ideas printed I am also in the dark. Besides myself and speaking to members of the GB, I only ever had contact with one anointed person, the old lady that got me in the truth. And I am very eager to meet her again.
are you saying -
A) you've never spoken to the GB and the only other member of the anointed remnant you've ever spoken to is the old lady who brought you into the truth?
or are you saying -
B) you have spoken to the GB AS WELL AS having spoken to the old lady remnant?
I'm finding it hard to understand what you are trying to communicate given the way ou've chosen to structure the wording of your statements.
thanks in advance for your reply
Edited by - ICHING on 22 March 2001 3:42:35
Edited by - ICHING on 22 March 2001 3:44:55
hl giancula,.
the signs and wonders that jehovah gave us, added to the bible writings completes the bible's outline directed to us.
by using the animals representing certain people it just makes it easier to understand jehovah's direction.. besides this, the number 144,000 stands alone with its exact numbeerrneeded in heaven.
hi bruce - thanks for replying - for my own benefit - i understand you may have explained this elsewhere prior - but i am new here -
what's your story? - my understanding - based on what i've read of your writing to date - you are a DF'd apostate but still one of the anointed remnant? - is that correct?
i believe that it is possible for a DF'd apsostate remnant class to reclaim their A list throne reservation at christs right hand if they repent from their course of apostacy - is this your plan?