Thanks. That Guttermouth track is great.
How could I forget Nine Inch Nails.
Ignored One
what kind of music do you like?
what groups do you listen to?.
do you just listen to music from your generation only or do you also like music from the past?.
Thanks. That Guttermouth track is great.
How could I forget Nine Inch Nails.
Ignored One
well i'm back after a few days by the sea-side, sheringham uk.
i camped at a little site called beeston regis.
i had a very interesting experience there.. on the same camp-site, in a tent next to ours, was a devout christian family whom we made friends with (well, not my wife as she's a jw and of course doesn't mingle with worldly riff-raff).
Of course the JWs will say it was Jehoohah protecting the builder.
That's right, Jehoohah prefers deceitful people because they make better JWs. After all they've been fooling themselves for years.
Ignored One.
Ignored One.
this goes into the whole football-soccer thing.
i was watching a sports channel last night and an nfl-europe game came on between the scottland claymores and the amsterdam admirals.
the stadium was huge (regular football stadium) but it looked like about 500 people were in attendance.
Erm, never heard of it.
Ignored One.
what kind of music do you like?
what groups do you listen to?.
do you just listen to music from your generation only or do you also like music from the past?.
Guano Apes
Less Than Jake
Hell is for Heroes
The Darkness
The White Stripes
Ignored One.
this story comes out of western australia and is entitled "driving instructor jailed.".
"a driving instructor from the west australian coast town of bunbury has been found guilty of indecently assaulting three of his teenaged students....outside the court, a police spokesman said carey knew two of the three victims through their associations as jehovah's witnesses.".
does anyone know what connection this guy has with jws?.
I would hazard a guess that he was a JW too. Or maybe a husband of a JW?
Seems odd to mention this if it was simply a case that two of the victims were JWs.
Ignored One.
i do not care if you endorse the republican party, democrats, independents, or even the green party.
but to see such inordinate amounts of money go into campaigns disgusts me.
the economy is flailing and people are homeless and starving, all the while these fatcats live high off the hog and mingle at dinners while kissing one another's asses.. this is not a post directed specifically at any candidate.
George Bush's new speach on re-election:
Lies, lies, lies, lies.....more lies, lies, half-truth's, lies.........pause to look at auto-cue to read more lies.....lies....mis-representation of the facts......lies, lies.
I think you'll find that's the standard line no matter what politician they are.
Ignored One.
(i used to be a truck driver.
trust me.
i have the vocabulary).
I'd like to see AlanF, Farkel and co. over there for a bit.
Would be fun just to watch them blow the retards out of the water.
Ignored One.
just got my report card, i got an 3.5% instead of a 3.429 like i thought yeaaaaaaaa i did make honor roll
Congratulations Shelia!!!
Ignored One.
so far for album of the year 2003 is the white stripes "elephant".
using vintage instaments and laying them down on an old 8 track give this album an old school flavor.
with the energy of the buzzcocks with an instamental sound of vintage stones
I heard them live on Radio1's One Big Weekend.
The crowd were loving it.
Great album.
Ignored One.