Camber was great. I only remember it for the adventure playgrounds that were there. Plus the pedalos and indoor pool.
Stuff the boring talks, half the people who attended had to watch it on TV anyway.
Ignored One.
hi everyone, in the congregation i grew up in, it was very cold and unloving.
circuit overseers would come and go, they would give counsel and nothing changed.
at one time even the do came at the same time as the co and gave counsel to 'widen out'.
Camber was great. I only remember it for the adventure playgrounds that were there. Plus the pedalos and indoor pool.
Stuff the boring talks, half the people who attended had to watch it on TV anyway.
Ignored One.
just had news that i have been offered a new position, and the company is massive in the states, investing heavily in britain.
i hope george bush isn't a director of this company or it will be a short employment..
But aren't you supposed to be foaming at the mouth due to your rabid Anti-US views?
Ignored One.
i read this notice from his daughter this morning
my father passed peacefully at 1:07 am this morning.
i wish to thank you for being so nice to my dad.
(((((((((((( Misty & family )))))))))))))
Ignored One.
council rejects proposal for renovation
06/19/03benjamin niolet .
news staff writer.
Maybe they disguised themselves as illegal immigrants in an attempt to get it for free.
Hmm, forgot to say that it was Birmingham Alabama.
But you're right, it does seem like the council is paying the WT's fees for them.
Ignored One.
council rejects proposal for renovation
06/19/03benjamin niolet .
news staff writer.
Council rejects proposal for renovation 06/19/03BENJAMIN NIOLET
News staff writerThe Birmingham City Council decided Tuesday against spending $12,000 to start designing a renovation of its offices.
The 5-4 vote for now ends plans to reconfigure and expand the nine council offices and surrounding cubicles. That project would have cost up to $150,000 to complete.
Council members said the city has too many pressing issues to spend thousands on itself.
"It strikes me that there are more critical needs for funding than renovation," said Councilwoman Valerie Abbott, whose assistant gave up her cubicle to make room for a copy machine and coffee maker. The council offices occupy a section of the third floor of City Hall.
The plan to renovate the offices began months ago after voters approved $125 million worth of citywide capital projects. The largest category of projects was for public buildings and the council office renovation was to be funded from that $20 million category.
Councilman Elias Hendricks said the project wasn't to make the offices more elaborate or ornate. It was to deal with the cramped quarters.
"This money, it may not be spent, but we need more space," said Hendricks, who said there is little room to sit at his computer because of the boxes and files under the desk. Council members Abbott, Joel Montgomery, Carol Reynolds, Roderick Royal and Carole Smitherman voted against the payment. Hendricks, Lee Loder, Bert Miller and Gwen Sykes voted in favor of it.
In other business Tuesday, the council:
Appointed Bhate Environmental Associates to check for lead-based paint and asbestos for the Red Lane Road building that will eventually be a new Birmingham police East Precinct.
Approved $9,000 for the Greater Birmingham Convention and Visitors Bureau to pay rental fees for the 2003 Watchtower Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses. The convention has been coming to Birmingham since 1982 and officials estimate it has a $1.85 million economic impact.
Adopted a resolution authorizing the mayor's office to dedicate a portion of Graymont Avenue in memory of Joseph Jerome Daniels, a Birmingham police officer fatally shot in a restaurant near his home. Daniels was killed while attempting to stop an armed robbery.
Can someone explain the highlighted bit. Who's paying the $9,000 rental fees?
Original found at
Ignored One.
hi everyone, in the congregation i grew up in, it was very cold and unloving.
circuit overseers would come and go, they would give counsel and nothing changed.
at one time even the do came at the same time as the co and gave counsel to 'widen out'.
Ah Twickenham before the refit. Jesus, like could you have any less legroom. So glad I don't have to sit through 7hrs a day of that kinda hell anymore.
Ignored One.
my mother who has been a jw for 38 years told me last night that the society had said they don't have the funds like they used to for the kingdom halls.
their congregation just sold theirs last month and another in their area just sold (michigan).
they say they are building double khs instead.
What do you guys think? Are they selling them in any of your areas?
Personally I've not heard from my family about any recent quickbuilds going on, so I guess the increase isn't there like they want it to be.
Ignored One.
hi everyone, in the congregation i grew up in, it was very cold and unloving.
circuit overseers would come and go, they would give counsel and nothing changed.
at one time even the do came at the same time as the co and gave counsel to 'widen out'.
Really nice bloke, very well spoken, I remember the first time I picked up the phone to him when he called my mum and he was trying to describe to me how he was related to me - I thought it was a creepy caller ! but he was a lovely bloke the more i got to know him.
It's a shame he's now decided to snub you just because you chose not to go back.
His loss.
Ignored One.
hi everyone, in the congregation i grew up in, it was very cold and unloving.
circuit overseers would come and go, they would give counsel and nothing changed.
at one time even the do came at the same time as the co and gave counsel to 'widen out'.
Ignored One, hi, Colin Conradie did go to South Africa, but he came back about 3 years ago. I remember when they announced David Bingham leaving and a brother replacing who came from South Africa. Colin had a strange way about him now I come to think of it.
Has he had a wife since you've known him?
I remember Haysbridge. I dunno what it was sending me to sleep, the talks or the horrible red decor
Ignored One.
hi everyone, in the congregation i grew up in, it was very cold and unloving.
circuit overseers would come and go, they would give counsel and nothing changed.
at one time even the do came at the same time as the co and gave counsel to 'widen out'.
What about Clive and Jan Upton?The scottish one was Glen McFarlane. We heard he had some kind of nervous breakdown. He was a nice person. Dont remember the spoon though.
Ah. Upton. That sounds right.
Glen mustn't have used the spoon everywhere. He used to say we needed to be 'big stirrers' or something.
Ignored One, spot on. Colin Conradie, this was him. In the Sussex Circuit, been there about 2 years.
Really? I heard he'd moved to south africa. Ah well.
Ignored One, I remember that somewhere in Sussex, I think Worthing or possibly Horsham where they played football, it all came to a stop because it was getting too competitive. I used to go every other week there. It was very cliquey.
That sounds about right. I'm sure someone mentioned that it was getting a bit out of hand.
I have a question for everyone, was your congregation strong regarding meeting attendance? Did some of the pioneers move to get into a more encouraging congregation. London seemed to be the place to go for anyone who wanted excitement and a more progressive ministry.
Our cong was always thin on the ground pioneer wise. Most we had was 2 regular and maybe 3 aux. Low considering we were a 100+ cong.
Ignored One.