Woah. Nice report. Notice the use of "heavies" near the end. Jeez.
And all the "sorry you can't talk to him" crap. No we're such an open and honest org, yeah right.
Ignored One.
ok folks, the swedish video is now online.
let me give you all a few 'heads-up' notices first.. the video format is larger to take advantage of being able to view the english subtitles!
for those of us who are swedish-linguistically impaired, we can read along with what is being said.
Woah. Nice report. Notice the use of "heavies" near the end. Jeez.
And all the "sorry you can't talk to him" crap. No we're such an open and honest org, yeah right.
Ignored One.
normally i love my job, but at 4.50am this morning my alarm went off for me to get ready for work and i hated it so much.
i've been off for 2 weeeks, and my first shift back is a 1ohr shift on a sunday morning.
its enough to make me wish i was getting up for a meeting instead!!!
Finding out that even jobs with a well known chain of fashionable UK furniture stores can disappear within weeks despite sales being up.
Ignored One.
i got 2 replies to my letters this morning.
one was from my local mp saying he had passed my letter to another minister and the foreign and commonwealth office are investigating to see if its an appropriate issue to raise, and the other was from the wbts of britain.
the letter reads as below, and i would appreciate your comments on it, and some good qoutes to include in a reply.. .
Interesting point Amac,
I find it interesting that the WT says all the know about the case is what has been reported by the Media. However I have not found any media reports on this, especially about her turning down settlements and having to pay in the end, EXCEPT for the reports on apostate sites.
I've also not noticed any reports about this in the media. And this is the British branch Gadget wrote to. It's obvious the only reason they know is because they're kept up to speed via internal messaging I imagine. Gadget should write back and ask for links to these 'news sources'.
Ignored One.
outstanding national response to "give god glory" conventions
united statesjehovah's witnesses have successfully completed their series of "give god glory" district conventions for 2003 in the 48 contiguous states.
there was a combined attendance of 1,484,273 at the 200 conventions, and 10,283 new members were baptized.
Where did you find this?
Ignored One.
vatican: condoms don't stop aids .
steve bradshaw.
Vatican: condoms don't stop Aids Steve Bradshaw
Thursday October 9, 2003 The GuardianThe Catholic Church is telling people in countries stricken by Aids not to use condoms because they have tiny holes in them through which the HIV virus can pass - potentially exposing thousands of people to risk.
The church is making the claims across four continents despite a widespread scientific consensus that condoms are impermeable to the HIV virus.
A senior Vatican spokesman backs the claims about permeable condoms, despite assurances by the World Health Organisation that they are untrue.
The church's claims are revealed in a BBC1 Panorama programme, Sex and the Holy City, to be broadcast on Sunday. The president of the Vatican's Pontifical Council for the Family, Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, told the programme: "The Aids virus is roughly 450 times smaller than the spermatozoon. The spermatozoon can easily pass through the 'net' that is formed by the condom.
"These margins of uncertainty... should represent an obligation on the part of the health ministries and all these campaigns to act in the same way as they do with regard to cigarettes, which they state to be a danger."
The WHO has condemned the Vatican's views, saying: "These incorrect statements about condoms and HIV are dangerous when we are facing a global pandemic which has already killed more than 20 million people, and currently affects at least 42 million."
The organisation says "consistent and correct" condom use reduces the risk of HIV infection by 90%. There may be breakage or slippage of condoms - but not, the WHO says, holes through which the virus can pass .
Scientific research by a group including the US National Institutes of Health and the WHO found "intact condoms... are essentially impermeable to particles the size of STD pathogens including the smallest sexually transmitted virus... condoms provide a highly effective barrier to transmission of particles of similar size to those of the smallest STD viruses".
The Vatican's Cardinal Trujillo said: "They are wrong about that... this is an easily recognisable fact."
The church opposes any kind of contraception because it claims it breaks the link between sex and procreation - a position Pope John Paul II has fought to defend.
In Kenya - where an estimated 20% of people have the HIV virus - the church condemns condoms for promoting promiscuity and repeats the claim about permeability. The archbishop of Nairobi, Raphael Ndingi Nzeki, said: "Aids... has grown so fast because of the availability of condoms."
Sex and the Holy City includes a Catholic nun advising her HIV-infected choirmaster against using condoms with his wife because "the virus can pass through".
In Lwak, near Lake Victoria, the director of an Aids testing centre says he cannot distribute condoms because of church opposition. Gordon Wambi told the programme: "Some priests have even been saying that condoms are laced with HIV/Aids."
Panorama found the claims about permeable condoms repeated by Catholics as far apart as Asia and Latin America.
· Steve Bradshaw is a correspondent with Panorama. Sex and the Holy City will be broadcast on BBC1 at 10.15pm on Sunday.
Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2003
Edited to add:
We have faith in condoms
Friday October 10, 2003
The Guardian Contrary to the Vatican's view (Condoms don't stop Aids, October 9), condoms do prevent the transmission of HIV. Christian Aid agrees with the WHO that consistent and correct condom use cuts the risk of infection by 90%. Some 13,000 people become HIV-positive every day, over 90% of them in developing countries. More than half are under 24 and in many countries over 30% of boys and girls are sexually active before 15. Condoms are a straightforward and effective way of preventing HIV transmission. To suggest otherwise is dangerous.Comprehensive HIV prevention programmes, which include information about condoms, have not been found to increase promiscuity. In contrast, countries like Sierra Leone, where condoms have not been readily available, have seen a significant rise in HIV prevalence. Christian Aid is calling upon the church worldwide to actively support comprehensive sex education that includes education about correct condom use. Churches have extensive community networks, and these must be used to prevent infection and save lives.
Dr Rachel Baggaley
Christian Aid· While prevention rates at 85% and 90% sound good, for something as serious as Aids and HIV, those rates are still much too low and present a dangerous gamble - rates are comparable to the odds in Russian roulette. It appears the Vatican and scripture have it right: abstinence is the best choice.
Dan Kempker
Jefferson City, Missouri, USA
Ignored One.
http://www.dmregister.com/news/stories/c4788993/22456346.html .
court reinstates suit over blood transfusion
expert testimony is ruled unnecessary in the malpractice case of a jehovah's witness.
Court reinstates suit over blood transfusion
Expert testimony is ruled unnecessary in the malpractice case of a Jehovah's Witness.By FRANK SANTIAGO
Register Staff Writer10/09/2003
The Iowa Supreme Court on Wednesday reinstated a malpractice lawsuit by a Jehovah's Witness follower against a Waterloo hospital and doctor who allegedly gave the man a blood transfusion despite warnings that it violated his religious beliefs.In separate cases, the court also struck down a portion of the grandparents' visitation rights law and determined that the front steps and hallway of an apartment house are public places.
In the transfusion case, the justices said Lester Campbell was not required to have an expert witness to establish fault or how much money might be awarded in damages. The lawsuit had been dismissed by the trial court.
Lawyers for Campbell said the case was a first in Iowa. Campbell sued Dr. Arnold Delbridge and Covenant Medical Center, where he underwent routine knee surgery and was given his own blood. Campbell said he warned hospital officials that no blood, including his own, should be put into his body.
The hospital's lawyers said Campbell's blood was saved in the event that he might change his mind or it became a medical necessity. Campbell claimed there was a communication breakdown and blamed it on hospital workers and a mix-up in patient charts.
"It continues to be a problem where a Jehovah's Witness patient says, "I don't want it," but because of oversight, carelessness or deliberate disregard of the patient, these things happen," said Donald Ridley, spokesman for the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York. The organization aided Campbell in his legal fight.
"This is an assault on their dignity," Ridley added. "It's something very important to them before their God, and things like this happen despite their efforts to avoid them."
Douglas Coonrad, a Hudson lawyer who represented Campbell, praised Wednesday's ruling.
"I'm happy that people who have something happen to them have the opportunity to present their case to a jury," he said.
Coonrad said the high court has grappled for years over when expert testimony is necessary in emotional stress cases.
"I don't believe, in our jury system, you need to clog up the courts with experts," he said. "Under circumstances where things are clear enough you can trust lay persons, then they should be allowed to testify."
The court said: "The evidence concerning the lack of communication between the doctor and nurses, the possible mix-up in patient charts . . . (is) capable of being resolved by a fact finder without testimony of experts."
Meanwhile, in a Polk County case, the high court struck down yet another portion of a law that guarantees visitation rights for grandparents. It is the third time the court has declared portions of the law unconstitutional.
Records show that Arnis and Lucille Lamberts wanted regular visits with their grandchildren, who are about 7 and 4 years old, but the children's father, John Lillig, refused. The children's mother died in 1999 of complications from their youngest child's birth and Lillig remarried. The Lamberts had gone to court, saying state law assured them visitation rights.
The justices ruled Wednesday that the state should not interfere with parents' rights unless the parents were unfit.
"In all these cases, the circumstances are tragic," said Stacey Warren, the Lamberts' lawyer. "These children are the only links to their daughter. They can see their daughter in their grandchildren."
In a Johnson County case, the court ruled that the front steps and hallway of an apartment building are public places. The decision reinstates alcohol-related charges against Jennifer Booth, who was arrested at an apartment house in August 2001 with an open container of alcohol.
Wednesday's ruling said: "It is undisputed that each of her fellow tenants had the right to come and go through the front steps and common hallway of the apartment house, meaning the public 'has or is permitted access' to these areas."
Ignored One.
hello this is my first post and i wanted to introduce myself so here goes.. my name is lainey, and i have not been to the meetings for about 4 years now.. i am 28 and work as a doctor in a big city university hospital as a sho.. also for my sins, i am cassies little sis, and i am staying with him for a little while, as i am signed off sick for the next month with a stress related disorder.. after the death of my older bro and my dad within the past few months, i started suffering from terrible nightmares, most of them connected in some way to my witness upbringing.. me and cassie have talked for some length and he suggested that i spend some time having a look on this site and meeting others who have had similar issues to face in life.. i hope you are all are better listeners than cassie, who tends to fall asleep when i am in the middle of talking to him.
) btw he hates being called cassie lol.. anyway i am not a big talker, so i probably wont post a lot, however i am going to scout around for a while.. thanks .
Hi Lainey.
Ignored One.
a lot more interesting than blaine that's for sure.
Ignored One.
a lot more interesting than blaine that's for sure.
Ignored, did you watch it? What did you think and where do you find all these strange news articles?
No I missed it. Despite seeing posters for it on every bus-stop.
And as for where I find them, top secret.
Ignored One.
a lot more interesting than blaine that's for sure.
A lot more interesting than Blaine that's for sure.
Ignored One.