Jewish converts who are male must be circumcised if they are not. As with the JW's, the majority of the Jewish religious population is born-in, not converted. A very small number converts to Judaism yearly and when it's done on an adult male, there is a local anesthetic. Interestingly, when a circumcised male is converted, they still require a drop of blood from the end of his penis. I can't understand why anyone would want to convert to a religion that requires such a "sacrifice", but whatever.
I hate the idea, myself... Religious reasons or not, I think it's a barbaric and out-dated practice. Majority of the world is NOT circumcised and all it's supposed "benefits" have been debunked and relegated to the "Myths" category. Sure, there are some men or boys for whom it becomes a medical necessity, but these cases are few and far between. Doctors in the US will no longer provide a routine circumcision unless it's paid for in full up-front by the parents because it's no longer covered by insurance unless medical necessity is proven. Otherwise, they consider it simply cosmetic (as it is!).
When I chose to leave my sons intact, my OBGYN (female) asked why...when I told her it was unnecessary, painful, and simply cosmetic, she shook my hand and thanked me for being one of the few who actually researched instead of saying "Well, his father has the penis, let him decide" or "it's just what's done...". I actually convinced my ex AGAINST circumcision, even though he himself was circumcised and was totally for it. For the record, I was totally for it before I researched it. I didn't want my sons (if I had any) having the "elephant trunk" or the "worm with a turtleneck" look. But upon further research, it was decided that it was just better for them all around to remain as they were born.