So, when's he making his move?
So, when's he making his move?
i thought rather than everyone start their own topic relating their experience of attending the memorial, we keep it simple and have just one thread.
if anything, it's saves bandwidth.. i will be going to the memorial tonight and will post my experiences afterwards.. all the other memorials i attended, i was an active jw, so this will be my first experience as a submarine witness.
it's weird being on the other side so to speak.
I enjoyed the memorial, good songs on Jesus, interesting scriptures on firstfruits! stuff you never hear at church sacrements which always focus on what Jesus can do for you and not that a covenant is a two way deal.
So, almost 2000 years before I was born some guy made a two-way deal with me that if I don't accept will mean my everlasting death?
Take that to court and it'd get thrown out with a laugh from the judge, you can't make a contract with someone who isn't born, nor with the parents, grandparents, etc., of that someone. What's even worse is that the great god (capitalisation intentional) of the Universe condemns everyone to sin and death because of what the first pair of humans supposedly did. Love, compassion, justice, universal sovereignty? My butt!
here is an excellent video regarding the accusation that skeptics are.
"close-minded" to the supernatural and to woo-based explanations .
if you have ever been on either side of one of these conversations, .
So, explain that.
Someone was messing with you and had a remote way to close it, the wind blew it down, it had an automatic closing mechanism you didn't know of.
There's absolutely no way for US to explain YOUR anecdotal evidence.
Just check out one of this guys other videos...about the unreliability of anecdotal evidence.
The vids from this guy are mostly excellent...good link OP, thanks!
when you left the wts did you leave over something specific?
did you, or do you, still believe in some of the jw ideas?.
in my own case i left over a family issue i have mentioned elsewhere.
I realised JW beliefs were rubbish after reading the bible through a couple of times in quick succession. (All of their "proof" scriptures are taken wildly out of context and are thus biblically unsustainable)
Then I read the bible a couple of times more and realized the bible was rubbish too. (Internal contradictions, "books" written by multiple writers and compiled thousands of years after the fact in some cases, uncorroborated self-fulfilling internal prophecies also taken out of context, no evidence of most of the happenings in secular recorded history, the list just grows and grows)
Then I looked into non-christian religions and found an even more confused mass of myth, superstition and tradition. (Certainly no better than 'bible' based religions)
Then I was an agnostic for a long time. (not really bothering to look into anything, as I thought there wasn't really enough evidence to decide)
Then I looked at the history written in the stars, the rocks and fossils...and i told myself..."geez, you could have saved a lot of time if you'd just looked here first".
If there is a god it's gone to GREAT pains to hide the proof that it ever existed or created ANYTHING. I'm over playing metaphysical hide and seek with a mythological being invented by scared early homo sapiens.
i just wonder if 2 of each kind of all the land animals can fit the ark?
do you know how big the ark was?
maybe someone should try to bring 2 animals of each kind in the ark to see if it is possible.
Another possiblity, could be that one female tiger and one male lion was allowed on board to create Tions, or Ligers, ventually leading to new species of
feline we have to today
This would stop short pretty quickly as Liger (male lion, female tiger) and Tigon (male tiger, female lion) males are infertile, thus you'd only ever have the first Male Lion able to reproduce, once he died, there'd be no fertile males left. Cats gone.
Plus, getting a house cat from a Lion/Tiger crossbreed in 4500 years would require more evolution than even I can imagine ;)
all of us on this forum know that jw org is just another cultic group..... we all know how confident and sure they feel about their org being the only one recognised by god (jehovah).. can anyone tell us what's behind their arrogance?....holy spirit?
( well i know that will be their answer) i don't believe that because it can't be proven.. don't tell us it's jehovah...... what gives the gb so much power to deceive so many people?.
sometimes i just wonder if maybe jw org is the truth, perhaps i should just swallow my pride and go to the elders and ask them to pray for me and get jehovah's forgiveness and undeserved kindness...... am i being naive or what?.
The confidence comes from groupthink. Never underestimate the power of the posse/cult/angry mob.
The current JW leaders are just as much victims of the groupthink as the rank and file. The beliefs of JWs are self-perpetuating and are effectively based on ONE assumption (that the Slave/GB was chosen by Jehovah/Jesus in 1919).
The only reason repeated brain-washing (ie meetings) is needed is because the beliefs are so convoluted that they require continuous imprinting (and updating when falsification makes it necessary) to remain in the witnesses minds.
the signs are becoming more and more clear.
violent crimes are increasing and lawlessness is the thing of the day.
people are starting to lose their minds due to the increasing job loss and economic hardship.
B the X, well it was just a corrupted quote from Homer Simpson in the episode where he goes down into hell, I always get reminded of it when people talk about the "end", cause I hate pineapple in anything, so I'm sure I'd hate hell . I too have survived a Bethel stint, though, so picking the pineapple out of coleslaw in Hell will probably seem like a holiday . Thx for the welcome.
asilentone, thx for the welcome, I will post a "kanootcha" info post soon. As soon as I work out where to start an intro thread.
the signs are becoming more and more clear.
violent crimes are increasing and lawlessness is the thing of the day.
people are starting to lose their minds due to the increasing job loss and economic hardship.
Oh no...we're all going to hell!
Oh wait...that's not right, we're just going to be destroyed forever...piece of cake really.
Almost as boring as if you believed in nothing at all.
Meh, if you believe in Hell it's not so bad either. Unless you have a strong dislike for Coleslaw with Pineapple in it, or German Potato Salad.
PS. I'm new, maybe I should have started with a less serious post, on a less reputable and prestigious topic. Well, this should be fun.