I am sorry but I don’t owe any explanation if you read all my posts you would have your answers to the questions you just asked.
i have been on a journey to leave and my plans are starting to come to their fulfillment.
i got the job i want back to move away from where i’m at and i have just a couple of hurdles to get past.
one of those was telling my best friend whom i’ve known since i was 13. he is still very active and indoctrinated and we had a long conversation where i told him i’m leaving the organization.
I am sorry but I don’t owe any explanation if you read all my posts you would have your answers to the questions you just asked.
i have been on a journey to leave and my plans are starting to come to their fulfillment.
i got the job i want back to move away from where i’m at and i have just a couple of hurdles to get past.
one of those was telling my best friend whom i’ve known since i was 13. he is still very active and indoctrinated and we had a long conversation where i told him i’m leaving the organization.
yes I will eventually just gotta get to it mentally.
i have been on a journey to leave and my plans are starting to come to their fulfillment.
i got the job i want back to move away from where i’m at and i have just a couple of hurdles to get past.
one of those was telling my best friend whom i’ve known since i was 13. he is still very active and indoctrinated and we had a long conversation where i told him i’m leaving the organization.
I have been on a journey to leave and my plans are starting to come to their fulfillment. I got the job I want back to move away from where I’m at and I have just a couple of hurdles to get past. One of those was telling my best friend whom I’ve known since I was 13. He is still very active and indoctrinated and we had a long conversation where I told him I’m leaving the organization. Unlike most people he is a good one he said that he will always be my friend and that we can still talk just as much as we always have and that he will not shun me. He is a rare gem of a witness. He said why would I not talk to you after all I talked to him a lot during the 12 years he was disfellowshipped so he has no problem doing the same. Now I just have to talk to my brother and I have a feeling that it’s not going to go very well with him but it’s my life not his.
wonder what the nielsen ratings will be for this.. will watchtower do the same?
can you imagine jw.borg on your cable tv?
i wonder if this is a direct response to the damage leah remini has dealt to the psuedoscientists?
Personally I think it’s great when the Scientology church keeps quiet it tells me that everything Leah Remi is saying is true and they can’t argue with her. I admire her for her show and am looking forward to her episode on the witnesses. I wonder too how the WTBS will or won’t respond to that episode. I doubt very few in the organization will actually watch it the majority of those who do are already thinking outside the organization and the really indoctrinated ones will brush it off and ignore it.
on oct. 15 jamestown ny will be having what i call a pretty large 3 day event on jehovah witnesses canaries in the coal mine of human rights:seventy five years after west virginia vs. barnett.
this was the supreme court case on the pledge of the allegiance which the wt.
Hey dad I have an idea. If you can find out a way to get in touch with the prosecution lawyers and direct them to really look at it might help those lawyers to see a new angle on how destructive this cult is and they may have ways to redirect the proceedings.
it was announced in this year’s annual meeting that they believe that the king of the north is russia and the king of the south is us/britain.
for me this is the first time hearing from the society actually identifying the identity of the king of the north.
very interesting times!
I remember all the speculation on this subject and I remember that finally they just didn’t know and that we were just to wait. It really doesn’t surprise me that they are doing this now especially after the convention this year and the fear mongering that went on there. To top it off with this they’re tightening their grip to keep the indoctrinated ones in and to try and get the fringe ones back in. And then this will pass nothing will happen again and many more will wake up. It’s really pathetic when you think about it.
i wanted to share a few recent pics of izabella with everyone.
this week marks her one year since her coming home from nicu.
she has been growing and changing so much these last few months in particular.
So glad you chose to save her life feather than make her a martyr for the watchtower. She’s beautiful and as a parent myself I know how much she must have you wrapped around your finger. But hey it’s all worth it.
last week was a big week for me in terms of coming totally clean to my wife and her being more than on board to leave the jw’s with me.
we know what to expect but things happen from family and it still hurts just as bad.
last night my wife got a long text message from her brother that has seemed to be in the fence and he told her that same guilt tripping rhetoric that the wt uses about life in the paradise etc.
I told her her that we have a plan on leaving and I told her we need to play the game till things are more finalized. There’s no need to jump the gun on this.
last week was a big week for me in terms of coming totally clean to my wife and her being more than on board to leave the jw’s with me.
we know what to expect but things happen from family and it still hurts just as bad.
last night my wife got a long text message from her brother that has seemed to be in the fence and he told her that same guilt tripping rhetoric that the wt uses about life in the paradise etc.
Thank you lovinglifenow that was the reason I posted that on here I felt that I can express myself in his forum and everyone so far has been gracious and loving. Kinda the opposite of what we born ins were taught. I’ve been able to use some of everyone’s words here to help my wife too.
last week was a big week for me in terms of coming totally clean to my wife and her being more than on board to leave the jw’s with me.
we know what to expect but things happen from family and it still hurts just as bad.
last night my wife got a long text message from her brother that has seemed to be in the fence and he told her that same guilt tripping rhetoric that the wt uses about life in the paradise etc.
Thank you dub. I appreciate your comments. I am having to slow the wife down I don’t plan on saying anything to her family till we are about to move across states. Then the biggest thing will be about answering a phone and not worrying about them showing up on our doorstep. It’s sad that it has to be that way but we all deal in our own way.