Mattieu could you answer something straight for me please? Is there anything at all that gives you reason to beleve he has viewed under-age porn (ie sex or nudity involving persons below the age of consent, not 18, 19 year olds) or to beleive that he is any more of a danger to minors than any other man who views porn?
If so tell th epolice. If not stop allowing this view to go on being entertained in this thread. you have already said enough to publicly identify him.
Is he a hypocrite or a pedo?
Cofty, from whatI have seen first hand, i think he is a sleeze bag. I dont think he is a threat to any minors in the congo, otherwise, yes I would have gone to the police (thank you Gregor). I actually think he is a threat more to the older ladies in the congo. (he has a wide taste in websites & from whom I see he flirts with)....
He is a hypocrite. not a pedo. though from his website visits and searches he obviously has strong inclinations. Crofty, to be fair, I outed mysely to Brooklyn bethel and of the offender and of his habits. It hasnt slowed him down & I know he trolls this site (thats how I discovered it a few years ago) So personally, I dont know why you are defending this guy, or why you think Im posting this for entertainment. If you have an objection or want to share something with me, then by all means pm me..... Is that straight enough for you ?