But when individuals are drawn together by mutual love for God, THEIR FRIENDSHIP WILL BE UNSHAKEABLE. "
Riiiiiggght, unshakeable hey? What about all the "true friendships" in the congregation broken up by ones who back bite/slander/gossip, cause trouble by being a busy body and enforcing their own personal opinions?? Or "true friendships" broken up by hmm, let see, sexual immorality??
Who are these guys kidding? Are they that immune from the averge j-dub congo that they don't realise what problems the average congo has with personality/friendship issues?
I could walk into my last 2 halls that I went to and point out ones who were not speaking to certain other bro & sisster, as well as elders who were fighting amongst themselves and some elders wives who would not even say hello to other elders wives!
What about the former PO, sorry CC who up and left "Plenty" congo in Melbourne along with wife, daughter & her hubby and grandkid and moved to neighboring hall over disputes with other elders and families?? This is happening everywhere, so much so that I want to puke when I read propaganda articles such as this one.
Mattieu (hanging in there for knock off time drink)