Farkel says:
I just think that those who base their entire lives and major life decisions on "hope" are in for major disappointments.
The JWs actually make most of their major life decisions based on fear and not hope.
looks like someone on this forum hates this word hope.
hope is a great thing to have for all christain.. it is one of the best things a true christain can have.. the bible gives us alot of hope.. lets use it in our everyday lives.
we have bible understanding threw research do we not?
Farkel says:
I just think that those who base their entire lives and major life decisions on "hope" are in for major disappointments.
The JWs actually make most of their major life decisions based on fear and not hope.
if you asked a jw, who jehovahs witness were patterned after, they would all answer, the first century cong.
i also would have answered that way, when i was a dub.
but when reading my elder book, i found this:
zenpunk says:
And weren't the tedious rules of ancient Israel done away with by the coming of Jesus?
Only when it requires a painful surgical procedure such as circumcision.
Edited by - Imbue on 16 July 2002 23:46:46
1000 were asked to leave brooklyn bethel (actually, this includes the farm and patterson) "voluntarily!
" only 6 replied to the request in the last 3 weeks.
it looks like the "waters" of bethel are drying up, or rather, their revenues are drying up!
If it was annouced to all of Bethel than everyone would know not just a guy in accounting.
1000 were asked to leave brooklyn bethel (actually, this includes the farm and patterson) "voluntarily!
" only 6 replied to the request in the last 3 weeks.
it looks like the "waters" of bethel are drying up, or rather, their revenues are drying up!
Is this just at Brooklyn Bethel or Wallkill and Patterson as well?
Who told you this information? Was it someone at Brooklyn Bethel?
I do feel sorry for those I know that have been there since they were 18-19 years old and are now 50 years old. What will they do?
Isn't this so loving of the GB to toss these Friends out on the street with nothing after giving their whole youth to the org!
over the last few weeks a lot of people have come forward and posted stories of abuse while they were jws.
these often were experiences as a child victim or a wife at the hands of an abusive husband.
the forums are open to active jws and those who have left.
Lady Lee a closed forum for abuse victims is just wonderful because these open boards aren't a safe place to share. No doubt there are many others that will come forward to share their experiences in a closed forum.
well folks: i had my first follow-up visit, and things are not as good as i was hoping.
essentially, using diet and exercise to try and reverse my clogged arteries is okay for 15 areas which are 50% or less clogged, by 2 of the points are 80% occluded ... and must be treated in a matter of months, or i face death inside a year ... so, i have some time, but not as i hoped.
the two bad occlusions art each at the intersections of main branches ... and either of them would likely kill me if they close up.. the doctor was impressed with my diet changes, lifestyle adjustments, and weight loss and level of recovery ... but the recovery is limited, in that i still have some strong angina with mild exercise, strongly suggesting my heart does not get enough blood when i exercise, and then when i eat a large meal, the stomach uses enough blood flow, that the heart gets starved and i go into serious angina ... soooo ... i am ordered to limit exercise and eat 6 to 8 tiny meals a day ... and i am even getting a handicap sign for my car ... yikes!
Amazing....I'm sorry that you may need surgury. You DO need to learn how to slow down and take care of your health. I hope you DO as your told by your Doc. *looks seriously look into Amazings eyes* I hope you aren't in denial over this and do what you ahave to do.
there is no evidence that our time has any specific biblical prophetic importance if the 1914 claims are wrong.even doctrines like the "two-class" system, which is a unique interpretation by the jehovah's witnesses, is actually dependent on the 1914 date.
the bible states that the final fall and destruction of jerusalem was in the 19th regnal year of nebuchadnezzar (jeremiah 52:12; 2 kings 25:1-4; 2. chron 26:11,19).
the most secure source of absolute dates comes from contemporary inscription with astronomical observations.
Thanks Jan..I just printed this out for someone..
this was a bi-fold leaflet given out at the uk district conventions (and only available at the dc).
i guess the throw-away size stuff is handier to ... well, throw away).
edited by - simon on 11 july 2002 16:41:33.
Zenpunk says:
I thought the WTS was downsizing....why are they still encouraging Bethel Service
Now, they want all the ones that didn't listen and went to college.
Zenpunk you are now be eligible for Bethel service with your degree.
...why is that clock ticking so loud, doesn't it know i have a king-sized hangover?.
ahem, i do apologize for that less than sober post yesterday.
you see i had been celebrating with my cohorts.. this was me yesterday afternoon, graduating with a ba (hons):.
ahem...just stay away from the comp next time you celebrate.
jesus here.
i'm sure you've probably read a few books about me in the past or at least about my dad, god (or as everyone back home likes to call him "spanky").
this is just a quick note to say that dad and i are back home now.
Jesus Christ it's time for your medication: Zyprexa 20 mg....